2007年10月14日 星期日

Homework 3 from Clair

Homework 3 49482021 Clair Lin
1) Audience Profile
7. My audience is the appliance dealer. They may take the letter serious because both manufacturer and dealer take responsibility for the collection procedure. They need to know the accurate procedures of the legal collection and how we can cooperate to accomplish this work.
9. My audience is television viewer. They probably do not take notice of the advertisement. They need to know special point, especially good taste of our peanut butter.
11. My audience is the employer. He may seriously read my resume and compare to other candidates. He needs to know my experience, ability and passion for the job.
2) Accident Protection Insurance Plan
I. Only costs pennies a day
A. Convenient payment—quarterly billed
1. Individual coverage is $17.85 per quarter
2. Family coverage is $26.85 per quarter
B. No individual rate increases
C. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried
II. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants
A. No physical exam or health questions
B. No obligation examination period
III. Benefit and coverage
A. Benefit for hospitalization and accidental death
1. $100 a day for hospitalization from motor vehicle or common carrier accident
2. $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
3. $200,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident
C. Coverage of accidental death
1. Common carrier accidents: riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier
2. Motor vehicle accidents: driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle
3) Exploring the Best of the Web
1. The most important reason that Forbes selects these particular blogs as the best is probably because these blogs respond to the marketing trend. These selected blogs offer their insight or advice on the marketing environment, and they keep providing us the latest information on their craft. Moreover, the common characteristic of these blogs is that they all clearly categorize their articles; readers can easily find the topic they want to read. Another characteristic is that most of these best blogs almost update everyday; they earnestly manage the blog to give us latest news. These blogs also allow readers to give reflections and exchange opinions. I think these are reasons that Forbes selects these blogs.
2. The weakness that the magazine sees in some of these blogs is that some small business blogs market same resources which are so common that we can easily search on portal site. The utility of these blogs may disappear since we can find on google or some other websites. Besides, readers may find that they are often asked to sign up for newsletter or even to buy a book. If readers do not sign up or buy books, they cannot get more information. These weaknesses sometimes may influence on reader's willing to read these blogs.
3. Blog is really a convenient and practical tool that almost every person can use blog to offer opinion; thus, it is not surprising that blog is taken in business field. After browsing through these blogs, I think it has no doubt that blog will be a helpful tool if we seriously manage it. As an entrepreneur or business manager, we can take advantage of blog to advertise our company, take advice from readers, and simultaneously exchange opinions with them. We can take these opinions as reference to improve our products or service. The most important point is that all information is the latest; customers may not miss any news. Thus, I will take blog as an effective and efficient tool to assist our company.
