2007年10月14日 星期日

Homework 3 Jessica

Homework 3 49482013黃慧嵐
Audience Profile
7. The appliance dealer is my audience. My audience should consider this letter as the most important one and take it seriously. My audience should know since this is a final-notice collection letter, there won't be any collection letter anymore and they should be well prepared before the legal collection procedures start.
9. People who see this advertisement on television is my audience. My audience should be interested in what I am selling, and should be willing to spend a few minutes on my advertisement. My audience should know that I am the best choice for his peanut butter. When it comes to peanut butter, no one else instead of me.
11. The potential employer is my audience. Like the advertisement above, my audience should be interested in my resume, and be willing to spend some time reading it. My audience should know why I apply for this job and what qualification I have is suitable for this job.
Analyze This Document
1. Cover and Benefit
A. Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.
Benefit is $ 100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
B. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents, occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle.
Benefit is $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident.
C. Covers hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
Benefit is $100 a day.
2. Coverage is only pennies a day.
A. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter
B. Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
3. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants
A. No physical exam or health questions.
B. Free, no-obligation examination period.
4. Payment
A. Convenient payment—billed quarterly.
B. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
5. No individual rate increases
Learn from the Best in the Business
1. Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best for following reasons. First, these blogs update their contents frequently. Second, they cover a wide range of information. Third, these blogs give constructive opinions. Forth, they have great writing and tightly edited. Fifth, they pinpoint the latest trends. Sixth, they have good interaction with their readers. Finally, they offer many useful links.
2. Forbes says that some of these blogs do not offer up to date news. They only focus on small business and do not have much feedback from readers. Articles and studies are not categorized. Do not offer constructive opinion. They do not edit the blog well, and some of their links do not work.
3. I think to be a good business manager is just like maintaining a good blog. To be a good entrepreneur, I have to absorb all kinds of knowledge to expend my horizon, so that I can always follow the business trends. I have to possess the ability of critical thinking, so that I will not be cheated. I have to listen to other people's opinion, so that I can see things in different views.
