2007年10月6日 星期六

Jane's homework 2

HOMEWORK II 49482047 Jane
1. Ethical Choices
I will choose meeting with her to explain my view of her position. First of all, only talking face to face can show my sincere intention. If I refuse her request to let her be the leader by the two other means, she might feel insulted. Though my rank is higher than hers, I would like to talk face to face with her in order to show my respect especially when my refusal could be viewed as an insult to her. Secondly, misunderstanding often occurs when others' facial expressions, tones, or other nonverbal signals are unknown to us. We can know others' attitudes by observing the facial expressions or attending to the tones. Moore might misunderstand my view of her without access to my nonverbal signals. Most importantly, talking face to face can convey each other's messages clearly. I would like to explain my view of her as clearly as possible; on the other hand, she might have some questions about my answer. If we talk face to face, we could have more opportunities to exchange our thoughts and reach a consensus. Therefore, I think meeting with her is the most appropriate choice.
2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Good afternoon, Mr. Sedaka. This is Carol Greenfield. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have something important to tell you. I just learn that I'm going to move to another office, and I think it's pleasant to work in a new place. But I have to request you to postpone this removal. Because I have an important client to meet on Monday afternoon, and I need to finalize some contract details in the morning. I can't accomplish my work without accessing to my office, and I'm afraid that I might not satisfy the client if I can't get the contract completed. Therefore, I wish you to postpone the removal so I can get everything ready. If you could not make a decision right away, please call me when you get my message. My phone number is 0958741877. Thank you. Have a good weekend.
3. The Business of Touch
Before visiting this website, I only know the fact that smiling is a universal language. But having visiting this website, I find handshake is also a universal way of greeting. Though every country does have its own way to greet, handshake is acceptable. For example, everyone knows that in India, people greet with a Namaste; however, Indians shake hands when meeting foreigners. And in France, men greet each other with kisses or handshakes. Despite shaking hands, ladies-first is also a general etiquette. Men usually wait for women to offer their hands, or they are acting impolitely. In addition to ladies, elders are often respected. I am glad to know that handshakes can be applied to almost every country, and I think it makes communicating with foreigners easier. That is, even we don't know their traditional way to greet with each other, we can replace with a handshake instead of being rude. Moreover, the fact that ladies are respected is exhilarating to us ladies.


49482010 Emily
1. Ethical choices
If I am the team leader facing the situation, I will choose a fine way to tell Tanya my decision. What I will do is to send her a friendly e-mail massage. It is because through a phone, I may not express myself clearly by a voice mail. Things told in voice mail usually are brief and short but I need more time to talk. Moreover, meeting her takes both of us valuable time and I believe that time is money. Plus, face to face, that may let her feel embarrassed after I tell her my thought. So I choose to send her an e-mail. If I can have things done through e-mail, why not do it? In the e-mail, I will talk to her directly that I can not let her be a leader in the meeting and the reasons as well with a gentle tone. As long as she has any questions, she can send e-mail or talk to me in person.
2. Telephone and voice mail
Hello, Mr.Brown. It's Emily. I have something urgent to discuss with you. People of facilities department are going to move my staffs to another office on Monday morning but I'll have an important meeting with David Jackson in my office that day afternoon. I must keep my office until the afternoon after meeting is finished. So, can you cancel the move? Please call me as soon as possible. My number is 0968-332-258. Thank you. Goodbye.
I visited the website, and had some fun. It really offers abundant meanings of graphical symbols. Some symbols I have never seem of them but others are so fimilar with us that people still use in the modern society. I did some graphic search. For example, a symbol like figure three, 3, can stand for more than five meanings and I was a little shocked. 3, this symbol, stands for alchemy in the Old Times, or a logo of Mcdonalds when it moves 90 degrees, or a flying bird in art, or air transportation in modern military. Besides, there is a symbol used in foreign country looking like the pillow in my bed and it means here you can get a job. That is interesting because I can never relate it to this meaning. In addition to graphic search, there is word index as well, so it seems to help people a lot who have questions. Plus, people can receive many kinds of information on it, also. For me, when I am bored or I need some help from this website, I surely will visit it again.

2007年10月4日 星期四

Homework1 49482028 Tara

Homwork1 49482028 Name: Tara

1. Reflection on Implicit project:

I choose"Weight Test" just because I'm trying to diet to lose weight recently. This test is very simple: the respondents have to sort those pictures and adjectives into categories as quickly as possible. However, when I take the second part of the test, I gradually get confused and more slowly to distinguish the fat people with positive adjectives from the thin people with negative adjectives. Actually, my result shows that I have "a strong automatic preference for thin people compared to fat people" and I surely admit it. In my opinion, although I have always dreamed of being in a good shape that has plenty of advantages, never do I believe fat people deserve those negative adjectives, such as agony, terrible, nasty and even failure. However, even though most people realize the definition of beauty doesn't lie in one's appearance, there is no denying that thin people are truly endeared to the major than fat people in society. For example, the model career is one of the most popular careers to youngsters in Taiwan; moreover, not only TV commercials but magazines are full of various slimming products. They keep claimed that skinny is not unhealthy but beautiful and everyone has his right to be pretty. Those scrawny celebrities get used to boasting their method of losing weights whether it is healthy or not. These behaviors twist our value on beauty and health unconsciously time by time. The result of the test shows that over half of participants (about 70%) argue automatic preference for thin people compared with fat people. The result also manifests that the stereotyping of weights still has great influence on people.

2. Ethical Choices:

I think the example is a kind of ethical dilemma. Because no one can help me prove this report is my work; even so, no one "want" to prove this just because this behavior is no beneficial to his job, which merely bring to himself series of disasters. If I were in the difficult situation, I neither unmask nor quarrel with by boss' devil deeds. I firmly assumed that openly opposition will put me at a disadvantage; furthermore, from his behavior I realize he isn't worthy and unreliable to be my leader, for his deed exposes his inability and selfishness. Consequently, I will work as hard as possible to seize every chance for advancement in my company because the fact that there is no promising under his administration. Therefore, I believe the most effective way is to endear myself to work and seek for promotion without pissing him off.

2007年10月3日 星期三

Homework 1 from Sofla

Dear Mrs. Tsao:

I am really sorry that I send my assignment late. When I noticed that my assignment did not appear on the blog tonight, I was in a mess. Hope you forgive my delay.

Homework 1 Name: Sofla
1. The Reflection of Project Implicit
The project implicit does reflect my opinion of view more or less. I first tried the sexuality IAT project in the demonstration part and got my result of preference for gay people. Assumed that I am slight for straight people, I was little shocked. The resulting was not very convincing to me. It indicated that I am more comfortable (or quick) to assort bad and straight than bad and gay. I think the result came form the familiarity of the research operating. I did the bad going with straight categories later. When I did the sexuality IAT in the research part, which was assign accidentally, I got different result. It showed I had no bias on sexuality. Thought I did the same test, I got different results. It is confusing.
There are various researches doing on the website, including sexuality, weapon, age, religion, weight and so on. Some researches are quite strange but interesting. They have American presidents IAT test to test the popularity of each president. Another research is designed to test the ability of recognizing Arab-Muslim names. However, I could not help to felt the Europe's ethnocentrism in the website. The results showed that people prefer light skin, and white people. The reality of the results is not doubtful. But what kind of person will participate in the project? I think maybe the white people account for the majority.
2. Question: Ethical Choices
In my opinion, here represents the ethical dilemma, which means I face two ethical and valid alternatives. In one way, I would be silent toward this situation, though I might feel frustrated. It is my responsibility to do the job my supervisor giving me. Although I always write the reports for him, it does not mean that I do everything of reports. The original idea might come form my boss. Of course, he should not respond as if he'd written all those reports himself. But what can I do? It may be unethical to report to his authorities. Furthermore, there are no clear-cut of my boss's response in this situation. He might simply "forget" to mention who wrote the reports. Taking those into account, I would remain silent.
In one way, I should take actions to defend my personal right. For example, I should question my boss what he responds as he'd written the reports on his own, or I could inform the supervisor of my boss that I am also attributes to the reports. No matter what efforts my boss has already attributes to his reports; I have also attributes to the reports. He should not overlook the facts.
In real world, something like this may happen frequently. It seems that I should not remain silence, in which my personal right offended. However, if I express my upset too openly, others may consider I am arrogant.

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Homework 49482010 許芳仁
I visited the website and did some tests like young-old IAT, native Am. IAT, and gay-straight IAT. As a matter of fact, after doing those, I was surprised at the results, especially the Gay-straight one. I thought the result would be that straight people and gay people are equal to me. For one of my teachers in high school had a speech that people should treat gay people with respect that our society does not give them. With abundant cases, the teacher wanted us to know that gay people are just the same like others; some are even very talented. I was completely convinced by her at that time. However, after the test, my outcome was not going the way I expect. It said that I answered faster when "Gay" and "Bad" are in the same key than "Gay" and "Good" in the same key. And, my test result turned to be a moderate automatic preference for straight people compared to Gay people. I do believe this test can show some of my unconsciousness toward this topic so I was surprised at the result. Perhaps I still have some original belief in my mind to gay people. Maybe these tests let people know more about themselves.
I think it is an ethical lapse because it is clearly unethical choice. The report with a logical organization and clear writing style is not the boss's work. He just takes credit for other person's achievement because it would advantage him. The report is from his worker; he should respect the worker's efforts on the report and copyrights but he does not. If I were the worker, I would think that it is not fair that why my report becomes my boss's and I would be angry about it. In this situation, I think I might make someone like my colleague who knows the truth write an anonymous letter to the CEO, telling CEO that my boss was cheating on him/her on the report thing. Sending this letter is to make the CEO less trust my boss, and the CEO might try to find out the real writer of the report. Meanwhile, my boss might know about the letter for CEO and blame me for it, I would say I have no idea about it but I am glad to see the letter. A boss who takes his workers' works as his own ones is not an honest man. Moreover, learning from this kind of boss and being his worker, there won't be a bright future, for sure.

Jane's homework 1

HOMEWORK 1 49482047 Jane
1. Implicit Beliefs
Those tests remind me of the aptitude test I took in my junior high, though they are quite different. Most importantly, those tests on this website are interesting. They can draw my interests easily rather than the test in junior high, which is dull. And I am surprised to find a claim in the background information that people do not give the correct answer not merely because they are willing but they are unable. To prove if this claim is true, I took two tests. One is Asian American - European American IAT, another is Family - Career IAT. Having seen the results, I find the claim quite fits my case. Moreover, I realize that what I think is correct does not win the approval of my subconscious. My first test result says that "Your data suggest a moderate association of Asian American with American and European American with Foreign compared to European American with American and Asian American with Foreign." But my consciousness says the inverse. The second test result says that "Your data suggest a strong association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family." However, I think I am a person of sexual equality. As a matter of fact, I am amazed at these unexpected results. Nevertheless, it is interesting to discover the subconscious answers, and I will take the other tests when I have free time.
2. Ethical Choices
This is an ethical lapse. It is because those reports are written by my own hands. There is no ethical dilemma for my boss to tell the truth or not. In fact, it is he who is immoral to pretend that he writes all reports. To tell the truth is never unethical. However, I will do nothing in this situation. It is truly that I am the reporter, and I do feel unfair about what my boss has done. Nevertheless, though my boss should not hide the truth, I should never disclose this injustice in the perspective of an enterprise. In an enterprise, a boss does have the right to give commands. And as a matter of course, people will credit the brilliant performance to the boss. Namely, a boss can be viewed as a representative of his crew. Actually, whether the performance is brilliant or not sweet, people will ascribe to the boss. On the other hand, the reason of my boss asking me to write reports for him is that he put great stock in my competence. Being a person who is regarded as important proves my value and that I am a competent assistant. If I am valuable enough, head-hunters would come to me, and I could have opportunities to a get better job. I should thank my boss for his reliance on me indeed.

2007年10月2日 星期二

Homework 1 / 49482023 Otto Hung

Homework 1 / 49482023 Otto Hung

1. Experiences or Thoughts about Project Implicit

After doing the Implicit Association Test (IAT) on Age, I found that the test is reliable only when the testee chose to do it in his or her native language. This was how I discovered.
I browsed Project Implicit website (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/) for about 2 hours, knowing this test is a research on people's implicit attitudes on various issues such as sexuality, race, weight, religion etc. I selected the age section which tests our preference for young and old both in English and Chinese, and the result scared me because it was beyond my expectation. I got the result that I slightly prefer the old over the young, which is totally different from the same test in Chinese. The test in Chinese said that I prefer the young to the old. Therefore, I did the Chinese and English sections again. In Chinese, the answer was still the same: I prefer the young to the old, while the English one said I have little preference between the young and the old.
Hence, we can see that the results in Chinese and English are totally different, but the Chinese one is much more reliable. I think this is because languages may affect testee's performance. The testee must be familiar with the language in which the test is taken. That way, when he does the test, he can respond his implicit attitude more spontaneously. This is why IAT is translated into so many languages in order to reflect more accurately testee's attitudes on numerous subjects.

2. Ethical Choices: Because of your excellent communication skills, your boss always asks you to write his reports for him. But when the CEO compliments him on his logical organization and clear writing style, your boss responds as if he'd written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choices does this represent? What can you do in this situation? Briefly explain your solution and your reasoning.

The situation above is an ethical dilemma, which means someone encounters two ethical alternatives, one is to keep silent about the boss's unethical behavior, and the other is to speak it out. Guys with strong sense of justice may think that the fault is with the boss, so they will report to the CEO without thinking twice. However, as far as I am concerned, I think it is not that easy for me because it is related to my job. If I tell others, my boss may fire me; otherwise, it is unethical and I will still be oppressed. For me, the solution would be to express my difficulty to my boss implicitly and not do his reports for him again, instead of pointing out what he did was wrong. If my boss keeps doing this, I will consult my coworkers for a solution. This way, we can brainstorm a good solution to solve it, and also avoid being fired without my coworker's knowing of the real truth behind.

Homework 1 Brian

Homework 1 49482031 Brian Lin

1. Because of your excellent communication skills, your boss always asks you to write his reports for him. But when the CEO compliments him on his logical organization and clear writing style, your boss responds as if he'd written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choices does this epresent? What can you do in this situation? Briefly explain your solution and your reasoning.

I think it represents an ethical lapse for the boss got the compliments which did not belong to him. After all, it was me who wrote the reports for him. He should have at least said that the reports were done by his employees and him; then it would be acceptable. I will not react against my boss to his face. I will observe him more in the future. If he is not a reasonable person and he keeps doing things like this, I think I will tolerate it and pretend it
does not happen at all, and keep working for him because it is not easy to find another new job, or I might quit. But if I find out that he is a reasonable erson, I will tell him what I think, and if he cannot accept it, I will transfer to the other departments. I think it is a dilemma for everyone because there are a lot of complicated elements might be involved in our decision-making process.

2. Thoughts on Project Implicit

Honestly, I had no idea about this website at first. After doing few tests and little discussion
with classmates, I think I have some idea about it. It can help us to find out our unconscious thoughts. I did the sexuality, race, age, weight, and skin tone tests. I show little to no preference to the former four, and moderately preference to the last one. It sends words to associate with images to find out our unconscious preference. For example, the instruction says that when I see white people, I should press "e", and so do good words. Black people and bad words, press "i." So I will associate people to good words, and black people to bad words. Then the instruction changes to white people to bad words and black people to good words. The reason why it changes the word association is to find out which one is easier for us to associate. After we finished the test, the website will tell us our degree of preference to which skin tone. Also, it will show us the graph to explain which two are easier for us to associate to. In this example, it is easier to associate Dark Skin with Bad and Light Skin with Good compared to the reverse. Maybe consciously we think we have no preference to either skin tone, but unconsciously we do have a preference. Somehow we do not admit it, and that is why before the test, it warns that we might see unpleasant results. I think this website is interesting because I can know myself
better and to think more on the issues.

Homework1 calvin (resend)

Homework1 calvin

1. Because of your excellent communication skills, your boss always asks you
to write his reports for him. But when the CEO compliments him on his
logical organization and clear writing style, your boss responds as if he'd
written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choices does this
represent? What can you do in this situation? Briefly explain your solution
and your reasoning.

Claiming other's credits as your own is clearly an ethical lapse as it is
not only an outright lie, but also a theft of some sort. However, while this
sticky scenario of plagiarism infringes my rights, an outright confrontation
with my boss would put my job at risk; hence, the solution should be
meticulous enough to on the one hand, not jeopardize the job, and also on
the other, not put the rising career on hold. A mutually beneficial approach
would be an honest, amicable conversation with my boss, as it will let him
know his flaw, giving him the chance to improve and also, by doing so, makes
my unease known to the boss. A caring boss who values a sub-ordinate's
brilliance would heed his complaint. Should the complaint bring no
improvement to the situation, it can be inferred that the sub-ordinate is
not appreciated as he should be. Hence, the sub-ordinate should consider
looking for another job. After all, an uncut diamond is of little use to an
ignorant carpenter, just as an uncut diamond cannot be fashioned into a
sparkling stone in the hands of a carpenter.

2. Thoughts on Project Implicit (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/)

A thirty-minute browse of the Project Implicit website evoked much feelings
and thoughts. The site being one devoted to helping people realize their
implicit preferences and associations to various subjects naturally directed
me to do a test or two. Hence, I did IATs (Implicit Association Test) on
sexuality, unicultural/multicultural, and India/United States. The test
results of the sexuality and unicultual/multicultural IAT annoyed me because
the results were unexpected. I had always considered myself strongly liberal
and I believe I've made people think that way too. But the result of the
IATs showed I have a moderate preference for straight people to gay, and a
moderate preference for unicultural to multicultural. The results offended
me because:
1.They are not true. (I strongly deny it)
2.They do not reflect what I really think. (I made associations using the
'general/common' mindset of the society)

At the same time, the results made me ponder and think:
1.Am I really as independent as I think I am, independent from people's
general views? (Do I tend to follow the majority?)
2.If I really am independent, why do I care so much to an extent that I do
tests with other people¡¦s mindset and not my own? (What of the minority?)
3.Do I really know myself? (Have I been suppressing my sub conscience too
Hence, the website proved interesting, as it opened my eyes as to the
stereotypical me and alerted me to be much more careful with my attitudes on
various issues.

Homework 1 49482041 Hayden

Homework 1 49482041 Hayden

1. Reflections on Project Implicit Website
I take demonstration tests on the website. There are about fourteen tests, and I choose some about weight, Asian, sexuality, and age. I think the test is fun because it wants me to tell the images it shows which belongs to left kind or right kind. I have to press "e" bottom to represent left kind and press "i" bottom to represent right kind. At first, I can handle these orders, but later it switches the place of two kinds, and even adds the other two kinds to let me choose. Sometimes, I am confused and choose the wrong answer and my two hands become inharmonious and that may influence my score on IAT. I think some images it gives are too arbitrary, especially when I do the part of weight since I think someone in picture is not fat but the answer is totally opposite to my opinion, and that may also influence my result. The purpose of the test is to demonstrate the conscious-unconscious divergences of our human, and I find some results are different form what I expect. It shows something I think is wholly different from "my mind." It is really interesting.

2. Ethical Choices
I think this case is an ethical lapse because the behavior of the boss is clearly unethical. When I face such situation, I will probably not tell CEO the truth. I work for my boss, and it is also my duty to write his reports for him. I can understand what my boss did. If CEO knows all reports are not made from my boss, actually
form his assistant or employee, and CEO maybe not put great stock in my boss any more. But for my boss' own good, I will advise him that he should learn how to make good reports, and I would be pleasure to teach him how to do that. Since I can not always help my boss after all, my boss has to complete his reports independently one day. So I think teaching him how t do great reports for himself is the best way.

Homework 1 from Sandra

Homework 1 49482012 Sandra 陳亭縈
1. I have done several implicit association tests in the web site, such as Gender-Science IAT, Age IAT, Sexuality IAT, Asian IAT, and Weight IAT. I find that most of the results are correspondent with most people's preference except the result of Asian IAT. My Asian IAT shows that I slightly associate Asian American with American compared to European American with American. Actually, I think there are factors that lead to such strange result. One of them is that I am not a native speaker and not so familiar with Western culture, so I have to transmit the information I received from the test into Chinese thinking. In addition, I didn't recognize some buildings in the pictures, so I couldn't define where they are immediately. The other factor is that sometimes the pictures of Asian and European would confuse me, because the pictures weren't so vivid. Therefore, when I was answering, I would make fewer mistakes if it was the picture I knew well. As to the topic of sexuality, I am moderate automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people. Most of the participants incline to heterosexuality, and I think it accords to the rule of Nature. Most people are heterosexuality so that they can have descent. Besides, I have the same preference with most of the participants in the topic of weight and age. Most people prefer to young and thin. However, I think it is not right or wrong when a person has specific preference. Every one can have their own choice. The most important of all is that one has to respect different preference. I think it's OK that people have moderate or slight implicit preference toward different topics, but in business communication, people shouldn't show their preference too strong in case to offend others.
2. I think this situation is an ethical lapse, because it was I who wrote the report and made it clear and well-organized. If my boss claimed that he did the report himself and took it for granted, I would consider it as an act of cheating. In my opinion, it is questionable to deceive others and take advantage of other people's abilities. Therefore, I would add further information and details about the report to the CEO and colleagues. I believe everyone will realize that I actually did the report because I am familiar with the details and content in the report.

HW1 Anne


1. Implicit
It is an interesting website. In the beginning, I
thought it might be a boring website since I had to
browse through this website in order to finish my
homework. It is just a website studying
conscious-unconscious divergences. What is so special
about it? I am not willing to have a browse through
the website. Things turned out to be totally different
when I started to do the tests. I chose some of them
to test myself, Arab-Muslim, weight, and Age IAT. I
agreed with the outcome of Arab-Muslim and weight IAT.
The former showed I had a slight automatic preference
for Other People compared to Arab Muslims and the
latter indicated that I had a modest automatic
preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.
However, I was surprised when I saw the result of Age
IAT. which said that I had a strong automatic
preference for Young compared to Old. Why? I guessed I
had a modest preference. I was a little confused with
the outcome. What were the standards of the test? How
did I know exactly that I was a person who preferred
young people only by doing the test? I presume it is
because I am close to young age that I prefer young
people. Then, does it mean when I grow older, I will
prefer old people? Or it depends. It is really
interesting but a little confusing to have the test.

2. Ethical
I consider it is an ethical lapse. If I am the
employee, when I hear the CEO compliments my boss, I
will not tell the CEO that it is I who write the
report. Neither will I argue with my boss on the
instant. Clearly I know it is no use that I tell the
CEO the truth. My boss might claim that I am a liar.
Or, even though my boss might confess that I write the
report, he might try every means to downgrade me as
soon as possible. It is very normal that my boss will
be afraid that I might threaten his status. I think
the best solution is to prepare two reports, one
report with normal organization which is given to the
boss and the other one with excellent organization and
ideas. When the meeting is over, give the CEO the
excellent report and tell him politely if he could
spare some time to look through it. If he refuses the
first time, do not be depressed. Keep on trying to let
him know that you really want to improve. The CEO
might be touched and give you a try.

Homework 1 from Clair

Homework 1 49482021 Clair Lin

1. Implicit

Racial issue has long been a difficult problem in the history. We cannot deny that we also have ethnocentrism in our mind though it is not obvious in Taiwan. The example that we often hear is the racial issue between white people and black people. It seems to have some improvement in these years, but there is still related news nowadays. Racial issue does have an effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The website "Project Implicit" is very impressing, especially the test. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is very interesting. I did the skin-tone IAT at first. The result of my test is "your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Dark Skin and Light Skin." It is glad to have this result, but I think this result is influenced by the environment we grow up. Most of us are not taught to have bias against people having different skin color from us. Lately, I have heard an instance about white man being taught to discriminate against colored races, and he was expelled from his family because he fell in love with an Asian. It impressed me very much, and it make me think if I also have such ethnocentrism or stereotyping against other people. It has no clear outcome, but I think I ever have such implicit beliefs; it is essential that every person has these beliefs in his or her mind, more or less. What we have to do is clearly stated in the textbook, and I think the three points are not only suitable for business, but also for our relationship with other people.

2. Ethical Choice

The ethical choice in this situation seems to be ethical dilemma. It has no clear illegality or wrong that the boss responded as if all the reports were written by him; thus, we have no sufficient reason to blame our boss. However, it does not mean what the boss did has no fault. The validity of our boss is in the gray area. Moreover, our status is the employee of our boss; for many reasons, it is not appropriate for us to directly tell him about the truth.

The first thing that we can do in this situation is to try to communicate with the boss. The purpose of our communication is to remind the boss of our working on the reports. This communication relates to the smooth of our job in the future. Thus, hint is better than direct talks. Almost every person likes polite and euphemistic talks; it is probable that our boss is the same. If we use bad tone talking with our boss, the outcome may be the losing of our job. We can try to remind our boss of our striving and importance: if we did not work out those logical-organization and clear-writing-style reports, our boss would not have the honor enjoying the compliments from the CEO. It is to emphasize our importance and meantime to remind the boss of the truth. It is not required that the result can be perfectly reached, but a sincere response from the boss is enough.

homework from 49482055 蕭淑蓉

Œ Reflection on Implicit Project®
After taking the test, I finally realized that this test aims to reveal our attitudes we have toward other races or genders in two ways. One is a self-awared attitude. In other words, we know we have such values and express what we believe openly. For example, the first test let us "choose" what attitude we have toward African Americans or White Americans; the other is a subconscious one. That is to say, the beliefs and bias we have and are not even consciously aware of. For instance, in the "Skin Tone Test", the program wants me to put good adjectives with white Americans together, and bad adjectives with African Americans together at the first part of the second test. I took the first part of the second test with no difficulty while I failed at the second part of the second test—put bad adjectives with White Americans and put good adjectives with African Americans. The outcome somewhat surprised me because it turned out that I was in favor of White Americans instead of what I had thought before the test-- both of them. As what I have said about the second part of the second test, I might also be the one (just like other test takers) who are not aware of my subconscious thinking.
Ethical Choices
In this case, it might represent ethical dilemma because I don't know if I should report the truth to the CEO (to tell the truth in order to stand up for my rights) or keep silent and compromise with the present situation (to maintain my boss' reputation, for I am still under my boss' control at this present). If I were the person in this situation, I would keep silent because I am still one of his subordinates. Besides, these things may not only happen when you are "the" boss' subordinate. In another word, when I work in other companies or work under other superiors, the familiar situations may happen again and again. If I cannot tolerate and learn to be patient, I could lose my jobs when I go to new companies. After all, I still need a job to sustain my living.


Homework 1 Name: 高淑真 49482005
1. Implicit Experience
I did the ICA test about the comparison of the black and the white. The result is
that I have stronger preference on white people than black people. Actually, it is really out of my imagination! Before the test, I chose the opposite one, "I have stronger preference on black people than white people." But why I chose this one? On this summer vacation, I worked in Sea World, Florida for ten weeks. Every day I worked with black people more than white people a lot. Though it is very tiring working there, I had a great time. Those black people treated me very well and they also taught me a lot. However, when I thought about the white people, some of them were arrogant and careless. Therefore, I did not like to work with them because of their bad attitude. That is why I chose the item. But the result surprised me. I think it is really about the implicit inside body, just like the foreword before the test. Most people will have preference on white people. I think, every one has preference on beautiful items naturally and "white", also. For example, lots of females in Taiwan would like to make her selves white as much as possible. They always have impression that white is good, even some females in some other countries think about that, too. Maybe in my inner sub consciousness, I do think white is great than black. However, I will not deny all the black at all, because I know there are some great guys I can make friends with. As a result, I learn that we should avoid assumptions and judgments on others, especially for those people who have different cultures from us.
2. Ethical Choice
I think audience' feeling is vital. Though I may not be so comfortable
about my boss, I should care about the audience more. If I deny my boss on spot and tell the CEO that the report is made by me, I may lose my job rather than being promoted. Besides, as a good worker, I should be proud of myself as well as my boss and it can let him know that I am a dependable partner. But, also, I would let my boss deeply know that it is I that do the report for him. After that, he would trust me more and we can work together much successfully.


Homework 1 49482004 江則潔

1. Implicit

There are so many people and so many cultures in the world. When we don't have the full knowledge of one culture, the misunderstanding or the stereotyping will happen. And I think it is the implicit belief, the thing that we might never aware of and accept, causes stereotyping.

I found the website "Implicit" very interesting, especially the second part of the test which is very like a game testing my reactive speed. I had tried some tests but the results didn't shocking me. The test of sexuality said that I had little to no automatic preference between Straight People and Gay People. Not knowing why, I felt content with it. Some people, like my father, will extremely oppose to homosexuality. But the young people like me will probably have no prejudice against homosexual people. But why? Why young people think being gay is "good", instead of "bad"? And why I almost got a relief when the test result said that I had no bias toward gay people? I think it is another interesting issue which can be discussed.

2. Ethical Choice

When I unfortunately have to face this kind of ethical dilemma, I think I won't say anything toward the CEO and my boss. Because if I tell the truth, my boss might feel very embarrassed and the situation will become very sticky. My boss might get angry at me then fire me. I don't want to have this kind of risk. But because of this event, I will never let my boss used me again. If he asks me to do this again, I think I will circumlocutory turn down by saying "I think Mary can do it better than me." or just ask him not to use my work as if it is his, if I dare.

2007年10月1日 星期一

49482039 Traci: Homework 1

Homework 1 49482039 陳芳瑩 Traci

5. Ethical Choices

The case of claiming the reports to be one's own represents
an ethical lapse when one chooses an alternative that is
either unethical or illegal.
Usually, I try my best to avoid such dilemma by preventing
the ethical lapse itself, that is, objecting to writing
those reports for my boss in the first place. In this case,
I would go to the CEO and explain myself so as to ensure the
messages are decoded correctly and open up a wider
communicating channel through the face-to-face experience.
An objective third party like the CEO should be able to
weigh the incident with care and giving unbiased judgments.
However, the case of my inability to reject may also put my
social competence in doubt.

Project Implicit

I took the Gay-Straight Implicit Association Test (IAT)
which often reveals the automatic preference for straight
relative to gay people. Among all the tests on weapons,
ethnic issues, religion and weight, I chose this sexual test
because I was pretty confident in and intended to support my
belief that I am not prejudiced against gay people through
the test.
The result is eye-opening. By linking word and picture
items to categories such as Gay People, Straight People,
Good and Bad, the data reflects how closely we connect
certain words to certain categories based on the speed we
categorize them. This is a brilliant design.
My data suggest a slight automatic preference for straight
people compared to gay people. I was slightly frustrated at
first. My gay friends and my interactions with them tell me
that they are just like us, which is what I have been
telling others for years. I read on as the system showed me
more information regarding the issue: despite the decrease
of negative attitudes toward certain groups have become less
socially acceptable, the negative attitudes toward gay
people have changed relatively little. I was further asked
to complete a questionnaire about whether I was happy with
the results and choose from factors I considered to have
influence my result. I chose "the image advertised via
public media."
We are unconsciously influenced by the great social context
in which we live. My data implies my context and it is very
true that there is a favor towards straight rather than gay.
Yet, as far as I am concerned, I have never agreed myself to
the public perspective. I am glad it is " slight" because
that is how little I am confined.

Homework 1 From Sandy

Homework 1 蔡依璇Sandy 49482037
1. The Project Implicit website provides tests for those who want to know what their minds prefer. Several topics are provided to choose from. "Age" is the type I chose. Since that I can not recognize foreigners' age, I want to know that which group I like, and how they are different in my mind. After the test, the result said, "Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Young compared to Old." I think that I got this result due to some factors: School, friends, family and educations. My family and education always tell me to respect and like the old; however, my friends are young people. There are also many young cultures around me: pop music, computer clubs, and other entertainments. In my mind I prefer the young, but because of my family and education, I just prefer to the young slightly.

2. If my boss claimed my reports to be his, I would be very angry. The unethical choice here is an ethical lapse. The employer should know what to do and what not to do concerning working ethics, especially for those whose positions are higher. If I happened to this situation, I would go to the boss directly and tell him to stop this behavior. I think that a good and ethical manager would accept my opinion and become regretful and shamed of doing it. In the contrary, if my manager did not think so, I think I had better change another working environment. An ethical person would not have this behavior; a high-position supervisor should not even do it.

2007年9月30日 星期日

Homework1 by Otto Hung

Dear prof. Tsao:
This is Otto's homework, thank you.

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Homework 1

Homework 1 Jessica
1. Reflection of Project Implicit.
I took a demonstration test of European-African American IAT. There were four parts in this game. First, the screen showed you a picture and you had to press certain key to identify weather he (or she) was a European American or African-American. Second, the screen showed you a phrase and you had to press certain key to identify weather it was positive or negative. Third, the test put African-American and positive phrase in the same group, and European-American with negative phrase. Fourth, the test put African-American with negative phrase in the same group, and European-American with positive phrase. The game assumed that most of the people associate African-American with bad things, which made us tend to do a better job when African-American were put in the same group with bad phrase. But I was not really sure about that. Because the test put African-American with negative phrase together in the fourth part of the test, we had several chances to train our finger and brain. So it was very reasonable to do a better job!
2. Ethical Choices Because of your excellent communication skills, your boss always asks you to write his reports for him. But when the CEO compliments him on his logical organization and clear writing style, your boss responds as if he'd written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choice does this represent? What can you do in this situation? Briefly explain your solution and your reasoning.
I think it was "What impact will this message have on the people who receive it, or who might be affected by it?" If I was in this situation, I would keep silent at first. It was very unwise to irritate your boss. I would let other people knew that it was I who did the job well. And when chatting with my coworkers I would mention "Oh! I was so busy! I had to write report for my boss. " If my boss did the same thing again, I would consider leave him and find another boss. If my boss needed my professional skill that much he will give me a promotion, and if I was so excellent in communication, I will not be afraid of no one would hire me anymore.