2007年10月13日 星期六

Homework3 from 49482055 Valentina

Audience Profile
Q. A final-notice collection letter from an appliance manufacturer to an appliance dealer, sent ten days before initiating legal collection procedures.
A. (1) My audience here is the appliance dealer.
(2) They will be aware of my subject because it is about their business as well.
(3) They need to know what will be the day of collection and how they need to cooperate
with us .
Q. An advertisement for peanut butter.
A. (1) My audience here is the people who watch TV
(2) They may not really pay attention to what the subject is about.
(3) They need to know how tasty or how healthful the peanut butter is.
Q. A cover letter sent along with your resume to a potential employer.
A. (1) My audience here is the potential employer.
(2) He will probably look at my resume seriously.
(3) He need to know how well I can handle this job and how much competence or experience I have about these kinds of jobs.
Analyze This Document
I. Coverage is only pennies a day
Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter
n Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
II. The most beneficial way for you
n Benefit is $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
n Benefit is $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier.
(Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.)
n Benefit is $200,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident.
(Covers accidental death in motor vehicle occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle)
III. Three "nos"
n No physical exam or health questions.
n No individual rate increases.
n No obligation examination period.
IV. Others
n Convenient payment--billed quarterly.
n Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
Learn the Best in the Business
1. The reasons that Forbes selected these blogs are probably that the blogs know what the market trend is. That is to say, they know consumers' psychology or appetite. For instance, "should you offer a free trial" or "charge less for smaller portions" these articles are quite practical.
2. The weakness the magazine sees in some of the blogs is that some of them don't build on their strengths and surmount or work around their weaknesses, and possibly should cut their cloth to meet their main limitations. For example, there is little point in searching for capital-intensive or knowledge-based ideas if they have slim/no prospects of raising the necessary capital or if their educational background is unsuitable.
3. After reviewing the blog, I know that I can learn much knowledge I need when I become an entrepreneur on the Internet. Before doing this exercise, I only "knew" I can learn marketing or business strategies through taking courses or studying textbooks. But I know there is still one way I can learn from when I need the information about business.

Jane's homework 3

Audience Profile
(1) My audience is consumers of television sets.
(2) They may be exhilarating about the price reduction.
(3) They need to know how much price reduction they can enjoy, and whether all kinds of TV sets or only specific brands can get price reduced. Furthermore, they need to know the closing date of the price reduction.
(1) My audience is manager of the property management company.
(2) The manager may feel frustrated about my complaining.
(3) In order to fix the problems efficiently, the manager needs to know the details of the problems with the heating and air conditioning. In addition, the manager might want to know the duration of the problems.
(1) My audience is the seller of the piano.
(2) The seller may be unwilling to pay for the damage.
(3) To convince the seller that my request is reasonable, I will tell him or her details of the damage, including how it is incurred and why it costs $150. READER BENEFIT?
Analyze This Document
I. Costs only pennies a day
A. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter; family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
B. No individual rate increases
C. Convenient payment via EFTbilled quarterly
D. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried
II. Benefit and coverage
A. Benefit is substantial
1. $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
2. $200,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident
3. $100 a day hospitalization as result of either on common carrier or in motor vehicle accident
B. Covers accidental death
1. When riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways or any other common carrier
2. In motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle
III. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants
A. No physical exam or health questions
B. Free, no-obligation examination period
Learn from the Best in the Business
1. I think the main reason these blogs are selected as the best on the web is they follow the trends. Their articles give us hints of the latest trends in business, and make us able to catch up with the recent changes. Aother reason is these bloggers put their articles into circumstantial classification. Business is not only business, it can be divided into many parts. Categories such as advertising, sales, marketing, and big picture are included. Readers also benefited from the classification for they access to what they want easily. The other reason is the bloggers give their own opinions. I think it is a pleasure to know different opinions toward the same topic. And it is the best advantage of a blog that readers can give comments, especially when some opinions might be inspiring. In fact, these reasons above apply to every kinds of website. Once a website can gives latest news, categorized the topics thoroughly, and allows people exchanging their view, it is a perfect one.
2. Though blog is convenient for people to share opinions, according to forbes.com, some blogs do not generate much feedback from readers. Furthermore, there are some links are misdirected. I think it is a pity that a blog can not receive much feedback from reader, and the blogger might feel depressed about it. As for the misdirected links, being a reader, I might get angry if I can not get into the link successfully. I always consider misdirected links annoying.
3. Honestly, having browse through these blogs, I was surprised to know that blogs can be used as a tool of preaching knowledge and trends. Though the information on these blogs might be out of date as I am a manager, I can take the advantage of blog as these bloggers do. I can post the project on my company's blog and let staff members comment on it, so I can revise the project according to others' advice. Furthermore, I can show detail information about my company to people, and they can raise their questions or give opinions on the policy or prospects of my company. My point is "the more advice I can get, the more I can improve."

2007年10月11日 星期四

Group Discussion Unit 2

Unit 1 Level 3
TO: All Employees
FROM: R. Smith, Personnel Director
DATE: December 28, 2007
SUBJECT: Time Cards

After reviewing our current method of keeping track of employee hours, we have concluded that time cards leave a lot to be desired. So starting on Monday, we will have a new system, a time clock. You just have to punch in and punch out whenever you come and go from you work areas.

The new system may take a little while to get used to, but it should be helpful to those of us who are making a new year's resolution to be more punctual.

Happy New Year to all!

Unit 2 Level 2
1.Anita Doig from Data Providers will outline her data interpretations as they relate to industry trends; additionally, Miss Doig will be asked to comment on how her data should be utilized.

2.Your order for 2000 Mylar bags has been received by us; please notice that orders of less than 5000 bags only get a 20 percent discount.

3.Just between you and me, the new "customer centric" philosophy seems pretty confusing.

4.Pod casting can be an effective way to distribute messages to widespread audience, but you need to pay close attention to the demands of an audio medium.

5.Among the specialties of Product Marketers International is a promotional effort for clients, including presence on the Internet, radio, and television.

6.An overview of a typical marketing plan will be covered in the introduction to this report to give you an idea of what's in it.

7.Subsidiary rights sales can be a discreet source of income and of compliment your overall sales.

8.Special events raging from author breakfasts and luncheons to awards programs and receptions offer a great way to make industry contacts.

9.We will show you not only how to meet the challenges of information rich material but also the challenges of electronic distance learning.

10.To site just one problem, the reason that the market is in such a state of confusion is the appalling lacks of standards whether for hardware, software, or metadata.

11.Two leading business consultants, Doug Smith and Carla McNeil, will share their insights on how specialty stores can effectively compete in a world of corporate superstores.

12.One of the big questions we need to address is "How do buying affect inventory levels?"

13.The closing of many industry digital entities has greatly affected the perception of e-books as a viable platform.

14.A competent, motivated, and enthusiastic staff can be a manager's most important asset in a competitive marketplace.

15.Come to the Technology Lounge where you can log on to computers, plug into laptops and check out demos of sponsor's websites.

Unit 2 Level 3: Document Critique
Date: Thurs, 14 November 2007 11:07:33 -0800
From: Rick Glissmeyer <rickg@aol.com>
To: Richard Herman <rcherman@ddc.com>
Subject: Please supply shipping costs

Dear Richard:
As you requested, here's the complete order for seed mixes required by Roberta McDonald in Vancouver:

* Fifty-lb. 80/20 canary seed mix @ $15.45
* 80 lbs. soaked seed @ $20.25
* Total order: $305.70

The seeds are to be shipped to:

Roberta C. McDonald
1725 w. Third Av.
Vancouver, BC, V5M-5R6

We will mail our check, as soon as you reply with the amount of shipping costs. Roberta says "her flock's getting ready for breeding," and she needs the soaked seed by the end of this month.

Thank for your Quick Service

Rick Glissmeyer

2007年10月10日 星期三

homework 2 49482055 蕭淑蓉

1. Ethical Choices
If I were the team leader, I would "meet" with Tanya Moore to tell her why I decided not to let her lead next week's meeting because it is the most effective way not to let her misunderstand my "original" meaning . By meeting with her in person, I can make sure if she really understand what her real problems are and incidentally know what she wants to explain to me. Therefore, I would tell her in person.
2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Hello, Mr. Tsao. This is Valentina Hsiao. I am sorry for my disturbing you, but I have a request about the moving of the office. I'm wondering that if I can move my office after Monday because I have an important client meeting scheduled in my office for Monday afternoon in order to make sure some contract details. Besides, I cannot access to my office at this moment, would you please postpone it or tell them not to move my office? My phone number is 0-9-7-2-3-3-3-8-2-9. You can call my in any minute when you are available. Thank you so much.
3. CRInfo
This website is a quite good website for us to learn from because it tells us practical ways to solve conflicts or what we can do when we are in a relationship of conflict instead of telling us many theories according to "somebody's" research. For instance, to negotiate instead of arguing and if this doesn't work, take a break, and then try again, or try to get someone else to try to help you figure out a solution.

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Information from Anne

About the question number five in page 26
Both Vice President for Marketing and vice president
for marketing will be OK. The formar one is used more
frequently. Yet, if one uses "Vice President," then
the followed Marketing should be capitalized.

2007年10月9日 星期二

homework 2

Homework 2 Name: Sofla
1. Ethical Choices
If I was the team leader and my schedule was manageable, I would meet her in personal and tell her that I would never make her a team leader without improvement in her attitude toward others. As a team leader, I appreciated the aggressive attitude of Moore toward work, so I would like give her a chance to improve her attitudes. Here are two reasons why I choose meet with Moore in person:
First, although leaving a friendly e-mail or voice message are more convenient, meeting someone personally conveys respect and importance. Meeting with Moore implies that I take her proposal into account and I was sincerely looking forward to solve her problem for better performance. Second, face-to-face communication decreases the possibility of misunderstanding and increases the understanding toward each other. Tanya Moore's been with the company only for six weeks, but I already thought her was opinionated. Six weeks is not enough to know a person. There may be some misunderstandings. For example, Moors wants to impressive colleagues so much that she did not pay attention to others' opinions. But she is patient and sympathetic in daily life.
2. CRInfo, http://www.crinfo.org/ –a website providing conflict resolution
In this website, there are types of conflicts, which you can choose form and get your advice, and some conflicts-solving theories. It categorizes the conflicts. You can define yourself in the definition and follow the advice to solve your problem. It chose the word user is quite amusing. The first category I chose was relation conflicts. It demonstrates how to detangle the relation problem step by step. Then I went through the family conflict and employment conflict, I also scanned some conflict-solving short essay.
After I ran through these personal relational theories, I found four characteristics stand out: calm, sympathy, negotiation and mediator. No matter who you are arguing with, the first thing we both have to do is to stay calm. Then both sides can exanimate the problem clearer. Second, we try the other's shoes to think what is his or her position and why the decision is made. Third, although it is not always likely to find a win-win solution, everyone in the conflict should try to find a way-out to improve the situation. Finally, the interaction with the third-part side, that is mediator, can smooth the communication process. But only with the agreement of both sides does help the negotiation.
Most of all, to solve the conflict has to have the desire to end the conflict. The reason why there are so many conflicts in the world is that there are always some person take themselves beyond peace and community.


2007年10月8日 星期一

homework 2

4948005  高淑真
Dear Professor Tsao,
I am sorry for my delay.
Next time I will hand in on time.
1.      Ethical Choices
If I am a team leader, I would choose the third one first and the second behind.  Before I talk to her face to face, I think it is more polite to let her know in advance.  If I just tell her my view of her position at the beginning of the meeting; that would be so embarrassing.  She has no preparation about that.  So I will send her a friendly e-mail message at first and have an appointment with her face to face.
2.      Telephones and Voice Mail
Dear Mr.ko, I am Rebecca Kao, I am sorry to bother you at the moment.  The
facilities department is going to move my all staff on Monday morning, but I have to finalize some details before the move for an important client, too.  So could you cancel the move or to postpone it for me? My cell-phone number is 0-9-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, you could just call me back at any time.  I would appreciate it.  Thank you so much.
3.      Exploring the Web on your own
I surf the Internet of "The Business of Touch," I found out it is interesting.  Mostly, handshake and eye contact are universal when greeting others, especially in Western countries.  However, there are big differences in Japan and India.  Japanese gives others a big bow to show respect while Indies gives others a "namaste."
I also search some information on the net; in Thailand, they also use namaste when greeting others, but they call it "Wai."  Besides, they will not make two palm closed tightly; they will make some room between the two palms just like there is a lotus inside.  In my opinion, we should respect every cultures all over the world.

homework 2 from Sandra

Homework2                                                                         49482012   Sandra
1.      I would like to send her an e-mail message instead of leaving her a voice mail message or meeting with her. I consider that a message which is written out is more formal and explicit than the one which is only told by someone. Besides, using clear and specific words can correctly deliver the actual intention of the sender to the receiver and avert the unnecessary misunderstanding.
2.      Good afternoon, Mr. Goodman. This is Sandra Chen from the office of marketing department. I'd like to inform you that I just received the message that I'm going to be moved to another office on Monday morning, without any announcement in advanced. Actually, I'm going to meet an important client in my office on the Monday afternoon and I need to finalize some contract details before the noon. I'd like to know if it is possible to cancel the move or postpone it. Please call me back as soon as possible, and my cell phone number is 0968911911. I'd like to know your decision. Thank you.
3.      I browse the website: www.businessoftouch.com, and I think it is useful. I appreciate the comics, because it can show the actual movements of greeting in different countries to the visitors of the website. I find that people greet others with handshakes in most of the countries, such as Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, China, etc. Eye contacts may differ from country to country. For instance, eye contact will not be appropriate when a female greets a male. On the contrary, people in Spain maintain firm handshake and eye contact. Besides, people in India have special gestures for greetings. They greet others with namaste, which is made by pressing their palms together with fingers up below their chins; meanwhile, they nod their heads.

49482039 Traci: Homework 2

1. Ethical Choices (p.43)
I would send an e-mail to Tanya. A voice message to me is
more suitable among friends and in case of emergencies. A
meeting is likely to provoke Tanya's defense and turn it
into a blamestorming session. As far as I am concerned, an
e-mail leaves both parties time to really reflect on the
message delivered and received and time to allow reason talk
over emotion.

2. Telephones and Voice Mail (p.44)
Hi, Ms. Shapiro. This is Traci Chen from Advertising. I was
just informed about the move on Monday. I wish that you had
told me earlier because our VIP client Ms. Vivienne Westwood
is scheduled for her ad spread on Monday afternoon and I
also need the office to finalize the contract details in the
morning. Is it possible that we postpone the move? Thank you
for your time and feel free to call me at your best
convenience. My cell phone number is 0800-123-456. Have a
nice day!

3. The Business of Touch
My first impression is, "cute." The comic-like colorful,
user-friendly layout is pleasant and interesting. Some of
the descriptions below the pictures give me a good laugh,
such as "A limp hand inspires instant suspicion." in France.
Fun as it is, the information is reference only and we
should always be more flexible in the real world. It leaves
out most of the South America, Eastern Europe and Arabic
countries, a shortcoming of the site. Nevertheless, I
wouldn't think of a better way to present the greetings with
animations and audible materials.

Homework2 Hayden

Homework 2 Hayden
1. Ethical Choices

I will choose second option to show my viewpoint. I think leaving her a friendly voice mail message may let her not take this case seriously or I can not clearly tell her what the problem is. Sending her a friendly e-mail message may take several hours or days, and she probably not decode my message successfully. So meeting with her is the most effective way. I will tell Tanya Moore that the reason she can not lead the meeting is she does not keep an open mind and she can not accept other's opinions. We are a team, and everyone's opinion is important. As a host in a meeting, the most significant thing he or she should do is respect to his or her team members. If she can improve her attitude, I will let her lead the meeting next time. It is good for her to learn how to be a good listener, and this also helps her work a lot.

2. Telephone and Voice Mail

Hello, Mr. Evans, this is Hayden Lien. I am sorry to bother you, but I have an emergent thing to tell you. I have a client meeting scheduled in my office for Monday afternoon, and I really need the office to do my job. Could you postpone moving my office. I deeply appreciate you if you do me the favor. Please call me back as soon as possible. My phone number is 0933-654-872.
Thank you so much.

3. Reflection on The Business of Tough website

I think this website is interesting, and its content is also useful. After viewing the website, I realize the way of greeting is from culture to culture. The website shows the simple, fun, and cute pictures to let us easily know the greeting way of different countries. I found that a handshake is a common form of greeting in west. In East, the way of greeting is a nod or a bow. Today, doing business with people form other countries is an usual thing. So we need to know this kind of thing or we may make embarrassment. Do not look down upon this mere trifle because it may the keypoint to make our business successfully or ruin our business completely. We should take this kind of nonverbal communication seriously. So far as I know, Arabian like to being close to people. They use this way to represent their respect and kindness, but western people do not like this. Contrarily, they think this act is rude and impolite. Before we do a business with foreigners, we should know their custom and culture in advance. After all, leaving a good impression on our associates can make doing business easier.

Homework 2 Tara

Homework2 49482028 Tara

1. Ethical Choices:

If I was the team leader, I will send her a friendly e-mail message instead of leaving a voice mail or meeting with her face to face. Because if I meet her face to face, I'll never know what is going to happen, especially when you are going to refuse someone. If she cannot accept my advice or become emotional, the situation may out of control and embarrassing to face. The failure of meeting will definitely impacts severely on next team meeting and our relationship. Besides, in my point of view, using a voice message has some restrictions because any slightly change of volume and tone may affect one's feeling. I have no idea whether she got my words clearly or not so I think voice message are usually too briefly and simply to explain one's message, which always causes misunderstandings. Therefore, I use e-mail to convey my message. I will try my best to write as objective as possible to let her know that her opinionated personality may make other team members too nervously to speak up. I believe that telling her the truth by mail indirectly can let her think over r more calmly.

2. Telephone and Voice Mail:

Hello, Mr. Shepherd, this is Tara Chiang. I am sorry for bothering you. I've just known that my office will be move to another place on Monday morning. However, I have a very important client meeting just scheduled in my office on Monday afternoon and I really need this office to finalize some contracts in the morning. So I will really appreciate that if the move can be canceled or put off for a couple days. Could you please phone me back when you get the message? You can call me anytime as you can and my phone number is 0955355755, 0955355755. Thank you.

3. Symbols.com:

When the first time browsing the website, I think it is simple and easy to use. This website not only contains plenty of symbols all over around the world but guides people how to search it step-by-step. It is very user-friendly and I very appreciate that. After browsing the website, I found there are a lot of symbols we daily use but we do not know what they mean exactly. For instance, the exclamation mark is one of the most common signs we use, but do you know why it is compose of the vertical line and a dot? I don't know even though I've use it so frequently!! The vertical line means something powerful and the point means to focus on something. Since I used the sign, I have only known it can be the meaning of "incredible, strange or something abnormal". It is also interesting to know it can be a good move when it used in the game. The website makes me rethink how often I ignore the proper usage of these signs. From now on we all should use these symbols more correctly. Because the meaning of each symbol varies from culture to culture, the more careful we use it, the less disputes it appears.

Homework 2 Otto

1. Ethical Choices

Rather than leave a voice message or an e-mail, I consider that the best way to refuse her to lead the meeting is to turn down her request face to face with great courtesy. Because when refusing someone, I think it is more polite to do it to his or her face. I will make an appointment with Tanya Moore, make the atmosphere easy but formal, and let her know I have already asked another coworker, who is the most experienced to lead next week's meeting. I will express my confidence in her ability and that I know that she can do as well as the experienced one but only if she has observed and emulated from the experienced. Besides, learning how to courage reserved coworkers is also important, so there are still a lot to learn if she wants to be a successful leader. I will make her believe that I will find a proper time to let her show her talent in leading. That way, she will probably not be that sharp and turn to cheering others.

2. Telephones and Voice Mail

Hello, this is Otto. Sorry for bothering you, but I have an important thing to tell you. I was informed that you'd decided to move my office to another room. I'm convinced that what you decided has a good reason, but an important meeting is held on Monday afternoon and I have to finalize all the files and documents in my office. It is impossible to clean my office and deal with the documents at the same time. Therefore, I think postponing moving my office until the end of the meeting would be a better way to do it, not only for me, but for the whole company's benefit. Would you think about it and leave your new decision on my phone. Thank you!

3. Web Exploring

After viewing the three websites listed on page 45, symbols.com is the most interesting to me. Differed by complexity from CRInfo.com, and simplicity from businessottouch.com, symbols.com, intrigued me more than the two websites because of its detailed and integrated information. On this website, I browsed numerous symbols that I have never thought that were "real symbols" such as the dot and the straight line. It is very fun to view so many symbols whose meaning I did not know before. I typed "thunders" to search for what symbols stand for this natural phenomenon. Out of my expectation, one of the symbols for thunder looked like the character upside down. This symbol originates from the staff of Poseidon, who is the master of the seas, rivers, and earthquakes in Greek mythology. However, there is no Poseidon in Chinese Mythology. The Chinese Sea King does not rule the thunder in the sky. In this case, I know that symbols differ from cultures to cultures. Nevertheless, it seems that is not always true because the zigzag symbol of lightning is not that different from real thunder. The zigzag symbol comes into the minds of Vietnamese and Taiwanese when they talk about lightning. By browsing this website, we can get a lot of information about symbols' meanings and origins; some differ place to place, but some are universal. It is very interesting to indulge myself in it. I think this is the reason why the book, Da Vinci's Code is so popular all around the world.

2007年10月7日 星期日

Homework 2 Brian

Homework 2 10/07
1. Ethical Choice
I will choose option 2, meeting with Tanya Moore
face-to-face. I don't think this issue can be solved
simply by sending a voice mail or an e-mail because it
must take more than few sentences to persuade her not
to lead the meeting. No one can accept a short
message telling you that you can't lead a meeting
without a satisfied explanation; especially when Moore
is an opinionated person. Besides, meeting her seems
to be more sincere than the other two. Using the
other two options might cause more misunderstandings
than meeting her in face. I will try to tell her what
I have observed recently, and the reason why she
can't lead the next meeting. Of course, making her
to accept that she is an opinionated person might be
the most challenging task, but as the team leader, I
must try my best to convince her to take my advice. I
must try to strike a balance that I do appreciate her
volunteering to lead the next meeting, but there are
some things that she must understand. Leading a
meeting doesn't mean you make everyone shut up and
listen to you only. It means you collect all opinions
from out team and then make the final decision or the
conclusion which is best for all of us and the
company. Tanya Moore must learn more and then she can
be a good leader.

2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Hello, Mr. Big. This is Brian Lin, the manager of
Production Department. Sorry interrupting your
holidays. I heard that my office is going to be moved
to another place on Monday morning late on Friday
afternoon. If I was informed by you earlier, then I
think moving my office is okay with me. There is only
one little problem, on Monday afternoon I have a
client meeting about exporting our products overseas
and I need to use my computer and other stuff in my
office to finalize the contract on Monday morning. I
wonder if you can hold over the moving after the
meeting. It will definitely do both company and me a
big favor. Or if there are other solutions and it
wouldn't bother you to call me, please do call me; my
cell phone is on 24 hours. My phone number is 0 9 2 6
x x x x x x. 0926 xxx xxx. Hope to hear from you as
soon as possible. Have a nice Holiday!

3. Exploring the Web on Your Own
I was planning to do the 3M one, but I couldn't surf
the website because it was removed. So I did the
other one. After checking all three websites, I'd
like to talk about the second website. Out of three
websites, this one is the easiest to understand. When
I first saw the website, I just saw the country names
on it. After I clicked the country, I saw a postcard
flew in with a simple animation showing the different
customs when meeting people from different countries.
At the lower part of postcard, there is a description
to explain more details. I found out that people from
western countries are used to shaking hands with each
other while most Asian people tend to nod their head
with each other. But honestly, I wish I could see
more information in the website. I found the website
is a little bit too simple. Maybe it can give us more
other information such as attitudes towards the work
than standards for the nonverbal communication between
business colleagues. And perhaps add more countries in
it. Thus, we don't have to surf on the Internet
trying to find another websites. One good website is

Homework2 calvin

Dear Prof. Tsao,

This is Calvin. I'd like to inform you that I've switched to using another email address, anonymous.gene@gmail.com, since my previous hotmail address fails to paste the email to the blog in a reader-friendly manner. Please henceforth, mail me to this email address. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Following are the assignments that were assigned for the week. I hope you enjoy reading them. Thank You.

Yours faithfully,

Homework2 calvin

1. Ethical Choices (P.43)

I'd most probably send an e-mail, as a face-to-face conversation has the potential for both parties to lose their temper should it turn into a heated dispute. I would avoid using the voice mail since it is, in my opinion, best used for emergencies. An email would allow both parties to reflect on the message and not make rash reactions.

I'd probably say in the mail that I appreciate her eagerness to be more active in our team, but that she being a new comer, I'd advise her to take a back seat for some more time and get to know more about the team, how it functions, what's each one's work, and also the company's work culture, goal, and objectives. I'd also be honest with her that even I am not sure if she's ready for such a task since at times her eagerness comes on too strong for others and people have been uncomfortable with it and perhaps, might have even felt threatened by her. Hence, as a team leader, I'd prefer her not to lead the meeting so early on, but instead encourage her to take more time to learn the ropes and get to know everyone better, and foster a good work relationship with everyone.

2. Voice Mail (P. 44)

(Assuming we're on close terms)

Hello David, this is Calvin. Sorry to disturb you during the weekend, but I just learned you've decided to move me to another office Monday morning. I wish you'd have let me known earlier because I have a meeting that afternoon, with our client Mr. Mayer of Croztec and I still need to finalize some contract details in the morning. So, do you think you can still postpone moving me into another office for another day? I'd appreciate it very much. Call me back if you have any problems. See you on Monday. Bye.

3. Thoughts on www.crinfo.org (P.45)

Seeing that our first assignment this weekend deals with issues relating to conflicts and that no one has written anything on this website, I decided to check it out. I must say, it's one of the worst 'user-unfriendly' and least appealing website I've ever seen. To begin with, the home page looked so much like an ad popup, that I almost immediately closed the page when I looked again to discover that it's the home page! The whole website is so jammed with hyperlinks that it completely turned me off. Nevertheless, I managed to muster some effort to click on some of the links. The result? Few wordings and more links! In the end, it just struck me as a web of links that ends up nowhere and if it does end somewhere, it's probably some dark alley with as much information as graffito. Before I closed the page in disgust, I decided to give it one more try; the usually easy-to-read glossary section. Sadly, I could only sigh as I stared at a long page of glossaries void line spacing, bold faced words and color.

Homework 2 From Sandy

Homework 2 Sandy 49482037

1. Ethical Choice
If I am the team leader, I will choose the option 1, leaving her
a friendly voice mail message. On one hand I can avoid conflict with
her face to face, on the other both of us will not be embarrased if we
meet directly. In the voice mail message I will also explain briefly
about my consideration. So there is time for her to think that why her
suggestion is not being adopted. If she has any questions, she can
still come to my office and talk to me. Replying her in voice will
also save my time as well as her's.

2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Hello, Mr. Chen. This is Sandy Tsai from sales department. I just
heard that we are going to move to another office on Monday morning.
Here I have a little request. I have an important client meeting
scheduled on Monday afternoon and I need to prepare the detailed
contract on Monday morning. So I am asking that whether I can cancel
the move or at least move after my meeting. I am sorry that I did not
get the moving information
ealier and I am very sorry for bothering
you about this. Please reply me or call at 02-22669965. I eager for
your replying. Thank you.

3. http://www.businessoftouch.com/

Since now I go to Dr. Tso's class "International Etiquette and
Culture," I have a lot interests on this website. Entering the
homepage, I was excited to click the different countries on the left.
The animated demonstration with brief introduction is showed at my
right side. I found that Westerns tend to make handshakes instead of
Asians. If the Easterns do so, they would avoid direct eye contacts as
respects to each other. I guess that is partly due to the introversion
of Asians. We always show our modest politeness and respects. I am
happy to learn these cultural differences displayed on this website.


Homework 2 49482004江則潔

1. Ethical Choice

I will choose the third option, sending her a friendly e-mail message. Because when writing an e-mail, I have enough time to figure out a best way to tell her the truth. On the other hand, if I decide to have a meeting with her, what will happen is hard to say. Talking to her face to face may make her feel that I take this thing seriously, but if she can't stand this then start crying or glowering at me, the situation will be out of control. It is very likely to happen because when I talk to her in face, she has no time to calm down, especially when the person who makes her upset is just in front of her. However, when she reads e-mail alone at home, she has much time to rethink what I say.

2. Telephone and Voice Mail

Hello Mr. Ocean, this is Maria Woods. I'd just learned that my office will be moved on Monday morning. I am sorry to say that I have an important meeting in my office for Monday afternoon and I have to finalize some contracts in the morning. It will be really helpful if the move can be canceled. Could you make a phone call to me at anytime? My phone number is 23547788, 23547788. Thank you. Have nice day.

3. Symbols.com

It is a very interesting website. It collects thousands or millions of signs from all over the world. It is fantastic. There are so much symbols and signs around us in everyday life, but most of us aren't aware of them or even ignore the information of them. We use a lot of symbols a day, but we don't know how those symbols form or what they actually mean. Through this website, we can find the answers.

For example, the peace sign is commonly seen. But it also has the meaning of anti-nuclear. I had learned how this sign was formed from "Hearts in Atlantis", a novel by Stephen King, but the website gives me more details about it. A sign can contain a meaning and become a powerful nonverbal word. Just like the students in 60's use the peace sign to show their disaffection toward the war in Vietnam. We can say that the peace sign is what gathers people and encourages people.

Homework 2 49482013 Jessica

Homework 2 49482013 Jessica
1. Ethical Choices
I will choose option 2, meeting with her face to face. I think this is the best way to solve the problem. Because voice mail message sometimes has time limits. If I want to leave a message in voice mail, I will choose the most important thing to say first, which is "Tanya, because of your attitude, team members are not willing to speak up. So you can not lead next week's meeting." It sounds rude isn't it? And Tanya may be confused by my message. I will not use e-mail to communicate with her. I think it is very informal, and inappropriate. Tanya may not take it seriously. Besides, Tanya may not have the habit of checking her e-mail everyday. Option 2 is the best way to avoid most of the situation mentioned above.
2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Hello, Mr. Gates, this is Jessica Huang. I just found that my office was moving to another on Monday morning, but I am having a meeting with my client in my office on Monday afternoon and I really need my office that morning. Can you please postpone it or call me when you get this message? You can reach me by calling this number 0911256465,0911256465. Thank you.
3. Exploring the Web on Your Own
At first, I thought this website a little difficult to use. I could not think of any symbols!! And then I found out the website divided all symbols into different groups. I could saw them group by group then things become easier. I found t the logo of "Audi"(the car manufacturer) represents fusion of the German car manufacturers Audi, Horsch, Wanderer and DKW in 1932. The symbol of bolt represented anger or power. Maybe that was the reason why Harry Potter got one on his forehead, because it showed the wrath of Lord Voldemort, or you could say it represents mysterious power of Harry which can defeat the darkest wizard in the world. I was really surprised that all symbols had their own meanings, sometimes more than one meaning! I used to think they were just meaningless graffiti. Symbol was a good tool to gain attention, to communicate and to unite people's thinking. Meanings of symbols could be easily understood by people who saw it. Symbols could also enlarge the power of the meaning, because sometimes people are afraid of things they did not familiar with.

Homework2 Anne

1. Tanya Moore
I will choose to send her a friendly e-mail
message, since it is convenient to send an e-mail. In
the e-mail, I will tell her politely that I am very
glad to know she wants to train herself the ability of
leading and help me hold the meeting. Yet, I am not
sure if she is ready for such an important task.
According to my daily observation, sometimes she makes
others somewhat nervous in the meetings. It is not a
good phenomenon. Maybe she should take a second
thought to see if she can succeed in holding a
meeting. If she still has any question, she can give
me a call. I am very willing to help her solve her

2. Telephone and voice mail
Hello, Mr. Lin. This is Anne Wang. I am sorry to
disturb your beautiful weekends, but I have something
emergency to tell you. I have an important meeting on
Monday afternoon, and I need to use my office in the
morning. So, I can't have my office be moved on that
day. Could you please postpone the day of moving? I
would be glad if you can do me the favor. Please phone
me to let me know your decision. My phone number is
0933XXXXXX. Have a nice weekend. Bye.

3. Introduce a website
At my first sight of the website, I was attracted
to it, and was eager to know more about it. I like the
arrangement of the website. It is so cute. It is a
website which provides information of greeting people
from other countries, such as Australia, Japan,
America, and so force. From my observation, in western
countries, people tend to shake hands when meeting
with others. On the contrary, oriental people prefer
to bow. Western people stand closer to the other
person while oriental people keep a short distance to
the other. Eye contact is very important in western
culture. Yet in oriental countries, people usually
lower their eyes. They consider it to be less
impolite. In this website, French people are the most
enthusiastic. They even kiss others on the cheeks. The
website use short animation to express their ideas.
Compared with other websites which use texts, this
website is absolutely much more interesting. I did not
feel bored when browsing through it. However, maybe it
should provide more information of other countries,
such as Arabic, Russia, and so on. I expect to learn
more from the website.

Homework 2 from Clair

Homework 2 49482021 Clair Lin

1. Ethical Choices

I will choose to leave her a friendly voice mail message. Though the other two options are also ways to solve this problem, leaving a voice mail message is better for me because it seems to be the compromise between sending e-mail and meeting with her. The most obvious disadvantage of sending e-mail is that the text often cannot clearly reveal our true meaning. People have different viewpoints and different ways to interpret things, so it is probably that our text may be interpreted to different tone or meaning; moreover, the distorted one is usually worse. It is dangerous that she misunderstands that our tone is blameful. The other way is to meet with her. We have known that her personality is opinionated and a little arbitrary; thus, it is possibility that it may lead to quarrel if we meet face-to-face. Furthermore, she may feel embarrassed that we point out her shortcoming to her face. In sum, telling her through voice mail can correctly reveal our true tone and save her face at the same time; therefore, I will leave a voice mail message to her.

2. Telephone and Voice Mail

Good afternoon, Mr. Green. This is Clair Lin. I've heard that you're going to move me to another office on Monday morning, but I have an important meeting in my office that afternoon; and there are still some contract details I need to finish that morning. It'd be a great help if you postpone moving my office. Please call me back for further information. My cell phone number is 0933046123. Thank you very much. Have a nice weekend.

3. http://www.businessoftouch.com/

The website I visit is The Business of Touch, which introduces the proper greeting protocol of fifteen countries including France, India, and other countries. The most interesting and the warmest feature of this website is that it offers animation to show us how the greeting must be acted. It is better than textbook or other websites which only describe the protocol; the animation is really vivid and impressive. I browsed all countries' greeting ways and found that almost every country is used to have handshake except China, India and Japan. This seems to be the different culture between Eastern and Western world, and I always think this difference is interesting. Another impressive thing is that woman has to offer hand first when shaking hands with man., such as Canada, Czech Public, Germany, New Zealand and Singapore. This surprised me a lot because I used to think that man offers hand first is gentlemanly; the custom of woman offering hand is really impressive. Eye contact is also an important point that we must pay attention to; maintaining eye contact with person is very important since this behavior shows our polite. Altogether, knowing other cultures helps us in either working or communicating, and this website is not only interesting but useful. It is worth visiting this website.