2007年10月19日 星期五

Jane's Homework 4

Specific Purpose
1. I want to inform you that there are some outdated items in the warehouse and we should dispose them properly and instantly. Otherwise, there would be no rooms for new stock.
3. I'd like to encourage you to settle your payment in ten days, and I wish to keep our partnership intimate. Otherwise, I have to seek the help from judiciary.
5. I call for checking if my orders are all shipped to me, and I expect to get them in three days. In addition, I wish we could collaborate next time.
Exploring the Web on Your Own
I find four tips for "you" view. The first one is to give recipients a reason to read your message in the first paragraph. This one is crucial. In business, the addressee might have to read hundreds of letters everyday. If the specific goal is put in the first paragraph, the addressee could get the point soon, and will not waste time in reading a lengthy article. The second one is to grab your readers' attention in longer email messages, open with an overview. For example, "This update includes a review of our recent projects, current priorities, and info about next week's meeting." This one is quite similar to the first one. Both are useful to help the reader get the point. Another tip is to use the "So what?" prompt to turn information into communication. In other words, this tip suggests us try to empathize with readers. When writing a document, imagine the readers ask "So what?" and give the answer. It will be helpful to complete a document. The last one is to recommend actions rather than refer to individual mental states. For example, avoid "believe", "think" or "imagine", instead, using "recommend" would make readers feel pleasant. Using referring expression may be regarded as a command and that might upset readers. Actually, I find many tips are so common that I often overlook, such as the plural and singular forms of verbs, collective nouns and "Try getting rid of the word 'very'." This site would be helpful in improving my business letter writing skill, and also in reminding me of grammar.

2007年10月18日 星期四

Homework 4

(A) p.68 Specific purpose
(B) p. 71 Exploring the Web on Your Own, #1. Find explanation and three examples of either “you” view or positive expressions.
(C) p. 72-75 Improve your grammar, mechanics and usage. (all three levels)

Mistakes in the business book Anne

I found some mistakes in Key Words In Business.
**In page six, line nineteen, the word "rapildly"
should be "rapidly."
**In page thirteen, line thirteen from the bottom, the
first word "precators" should be "predators." The
page, line six from the bottom, the word "pery" should
be "prey." Still the same page, line four from the
bottom, the word "possibliity" should be
**In page fourteen, in the left column, the word
"poison bill" should be "poison pill."
It's really weird to have "poison bill."

Group2 discussion

Audience Profile
7. (1.) The appliance dealer is the audience. (2.) The
appliance dealer may take it serious. (3.) The dealer
should know the deadline.
8. (1.) The audience is the customers who visit the
website. (2.) The audience will be happy and have
interest in the news. (3.) The audiences need to know
every detail about the promotion, such as how long the
promotion will last, the original price of the
9. (1.) The audience is the potential customers who
need it. (2.) The customers will give a thought to buy
it. (3.) The customers need to know the ingredients
and the price of peanut butter.
10. (1.) The property management company is the
audience. (2.) The property management company may
think that it's not a big deal. (3.) The company
needs to know the problem of the heating and air
conditioning, and try to solve the problems as soon as
11. (1.) The potential employer is the audience. (2.)
The employer may ignore the cover letter. (3.) The
employer needs to know any related information of the
12. (1.) The seller of piano is the audience. (2.) The
seller may be confused about the damage of the piano.
(3.) The seller needs to know the condition of the
piano, and compensation

Message Organization
28. Direct
An e-mail message to a car dealer asking about the
availability of a specific make and model of car
29. Direct
A letter from a recent college graduate requesting a
letter of recommendation from a former instructor
A letter turning down a job applicant
A blog posting explaining that because of the high
air-conditioning costs, the plant temperature will be
held at 78 degrees during the summer
A final request to settle a delinquent debt

Insurance Outline
Ⅰ.Content of the insurance
A. It covers accidental death when the insured
rides as fare-paying passengers on public
transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships,
trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.
B. It covers accidental death in motor vehicle
accidents occurring while the insured drives or rides
in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or
nonmotorized bicycle.
Ⅱ. Benefits of the insurance
A. Benefit is $100,000 for accidental death on
common carrier.
B. Benefit is $100 a day for hospitalization as
result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
C. Benefit is $20,000 for accidental death in
motor vehicle accident.
Ⅲ. Qualification of the insurance
A. No physical exam or health questions are
B. Guaranteed acceptance is for all applicants.
C. Free, no-obligation examination period is
Ⅳ. Payment of the insurance
A. Coverage is only pennies a day.
B. No individual rate increases.
C. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per
quarter; family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter.
D. Convenient payment—the insured pay the bill
E. Cash should be paid in addition to any other
insurance carried.

The Best of Website
1. In our opinions, those particular blogs that Forbes
selected have some unique features. First of all,
precise information, latest news, and industry gossips
are offered there. Meanwhile, people can learn
something new from there. Secondly, the bloggers
provide related pictures, links, or even videos to
help readers get into the topics of the articles. For
example, a website showing the methods of carving
pumpkins links to an article about Halloween
creativities in another blog. Thirdly, the blogs offer
a place for people to share their ideas and to learn
from each other. Besides, people can leave comments on
blogs, give feedbacks or pop up different views there.

2. I reckon that two weaknesses are pointed out there.
The first one is that there are some prosaic resources
that people can obtain easily by a simple google
search. These prosaic resources reduce the importance
and uniqueness of those blogs. The second one is that
some websites may encourage people buying things.
Bloggers put some commercials there and make the blogs

3. If I am a business manager in the future, I will
encourage my employees to visit my blog. I would like
to share my opinions with others. For example, when it
comes to planning an important project, I will provide
a high bounty for those who contribute to my project
since I need a wide variety of ideas. I believe in
this way I could inspire my employees to use their
imagination and creativity, and then all of us can get
profits and benefits from this. Beside, I will update
the latest news everyday and add some related pictures
or links. By this way, people are willing to visit my
blog very often. I believe that the interaction
between the readers and I will give us more good

2007年10月15日 星期一


Homework3 49482004江則潔
Audience Profile
8. (1) The employees of my company and the visitors of the website.
(2) All of them may be interested in the price reduction. But while the consumers are happy to learn this news, the employees of company might wonder if it is the poor selling performance that causes the promotion.
(3) They need to know the new price of the product and how much benefit they will get once they buy it. And during what time can they buy the product of this lower price.
10. (1) The property management company.
(2) Neutral. Because reading my complaining letter is the company's responsibility.
(3) The company needs to know the details about the problems and where are the heating and the air conditioning in my office and at what time can they come to fix them.
12. (1) The piano seller
(2) The seller might not be willing to hear the news.
(3) How the damage happened and show them the compensating certifier they give.
Analyze This Document
Accident Protection Insurance Plan
І. Guaranteed Acceptance for All Applicants.
A. No individual rate increase.
B. No physical exam or health questions.
C. No obligatory examination period.
�. Insurance for Traffic Accidental Death
A. Common carrier
1. Cover: the fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.
2. Benefit: $100,000 for the accident and $100 a day for hospitalization.
B. Motor vehicle
1. Cover: while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle.
2. Benefit: $20,000 for the accident and $100 a day for hospitalization.
�. Coverage
A. Only pennies a day.
B. Convenient payment—billed quarterly.
1. Only $17.85 per quarter for individual.
2. Only$26.85 per quarter for family.
C. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
Exploring the Best of the Web
  1. Because those blogs provide us good places to give and learn the latest business messages. Some articles are well writing and some news is international. In sum, the blogs give everyone quick and convenient ways to approach the interesting and useful daily news.
  2. Most of the weaknesses are not about the content of the blog but mechanical mistakes such as the dead links, the carelessness about categories, or even the lack of comments.
  3. I've learned that to be a good entrepreneur is to be an aggressive learner. Acquiring wide field of knowledge can help you become a mature man who has good ability to react toward your life and so as in business fields.

Homework3 Tara

Audience profile

8. A promotional message on your company's e-retailing website, announcing a temporary price reduction on high-definition television sets

(1) My audience is every clients of my company, everyone who visited our company's website or people who want high-definition television set.

(2) They are interested in my subject.

(3) They want to know how much these television sets exactly are, which specific brands they can choose and any particular rule about this temporary price reduction and most importantly, the deadline of the temporary price reduction.

10. A letter to the property management company responsible for maintaining your office building, complaining about persistent problems with the heating and air conditioning

(1) My audience is the property management company.

(2) They may be care about any problems their customers met and try to deal with them as soon as they could.

(3) They need to know any detailed information about the heating and air conditioning and find the solution of the persistent problems.

12. A request (to the seller) for a price adjustment on a piano that incurred $150 in dam age during delivery to a banquet room in the hotel you manage

(1) The audience is the piano sellers.

(2) They may be anxious about what's wrong during the delivery and be afraid of ruining their credit.

(3) They would like to know what happened during the piano delivery, the range of t he damage during delivery and the reasonable responsibility they should be in charge of.

Analyze this document

Accident Protection Insurance Plan

I. Accident Categories:

A. Common carrier accidental death:

1. Accidents when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier

B. Motor vehicle accidental death:

1. Accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle

II. Insurance Benefits:

1. $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident

2. $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier

3. $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident

III. Insurance Coverage & Payment:

A. Coverage is only pennies a day

1. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter

2. Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter

B. Payment

1. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried

2. Convenient payment—billed quarterly

IV. Insurance Qualification:

1. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants

2. No physical exam or health questions

3. No individual rate increases

4. No-obligation examination period

Exploring the Best of the Web

1. After browsing the blogs, I conclude that there are two reasons that Forbes selected these blogs as being among the best on the web. First, the bloggers offer the latest and precise information to reader without any annoying or implied advertisement. They usually not only report on new trends but also introduce new, bestselling and popular products. Those blogs has enriched the reader's curiosity to know many products without watching them in person or wasting money to buy something useless. Secondly, the articles posting on the blogs usually remain neutral attitude during introducing products. That is, they do not take sides with producers. They provide proper suggestions to customers instead of forcing readers to buy those products. I think this reason is truly beneficial to customers. Because when customer once met the new products with weasel words, customers are usually misled by those attractive commercials and shopping on impulse. Besides, the readers can comment on any article and offer their own experience or view of the products. This feature is really helpful and useful to customers because they can realize the products more thoroughly.

2. I argue the weakness in some of these blogs is some of hyperlink are invalid or ads. It is really disappointed especially as you look forward to further information. I believe everyone has experienced how annoyed he feels as he would like to get further reading but check into advertisement. Another weakness is that some bloggers are too partial to some particular products or brands, which might lower reader's interest to read.

3. After browsing these blogs, I get so many useful information and get closer to realize how business working. They briefly introduce various kinds of small businesses as well as provide numerous useful related websites to get further information. I am quite interested in some articles even convey some tips to teach you to improve your position or business future. If I became an entrepreneur or business manager, I will recommend my employees to browse these blogs regularly.

Homework3 Hayden

Homework3 Hayden
Audience Profile
7. (1)The audience is an appliance dealer.
(2) He should take the letter seriously because it is a final warning.
(3) He should return the money to the appliance manufacturer before the manufacturer initiates legal collection procedures.

9. (1) The audience is potential customers.
(2) They may not concentrate their attention on the advertisement.
(3) They need to know the brand of peanut butter and its difference from other brands.

11. (1) The audience is a potential employer.
(2) He may be curious about me and wants to find something interesting in my resume.
(3) He needs to know my working experience and if I have excellent capabilities to make his company even better.

Analyze This Document
Accident Protection Insurance Plan
Ⅰ. Coverage and Benefit
A. Covers accidental death when riding as a fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier with benefit of $100,000
B. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle with benefit of $20,000
C. Benefit is $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
Ⅱ. Payment
A. Coverage is only pennies a day.
B. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter.
C. Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter.
D. Convenient payment─ billed quarterly.
E. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
Ⅲ. Specialty
A. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants.
B. No physical exam or health questions.
C. No individual rate increases.
D. Free, no obligation examination period.

Exploring the Best of the Web p.71
1. What are some of the reasons Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best on the web?
Forbes selected these particular blogs because they provide the latest
information and some inspiring articles. These blogs can help readers think
deeply and improve their marketing skills. These blogs also provide a channel
for costumers to solve their problems.

2. What weaknesses does the magazine see in some of these blogs?
Some blogs have complicated and misdirected links. Their information sometimes are not relayed to their topics and in miniscule type at times. Posts of some blogs don't generate many reader replies. Moreover, aggressively self-promoting on the blogs is inappropriate.

3. What can you learn from these blogs that you could apply to your own future as an entrepreneur or business manager?
I learn providing a platform for interaction benefits both parties because a company can receive first-hand feedback and respond immediately; simultaneously, costumers can tell their problems and receive better solutions. Possessing good communication ways can build a good company image.
After all, we should know what the costumers need and give them the best.

Homework3 Otto

Audience Profile

7. A final-notice collection letter from an appliance manufacturer to an appliance dealer, sent ten days before initiating legal collection procedures.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is an appliance dealer who is stalling payment, but I do not know whether it is on purpose or not.

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Do I have enough money to pay in these ten days? If I cannot pay in time, will the manufacturer really sue me?" ~Audience

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"If you cannot pay money in time, I will absolutely initiate collection procedures. Unless there are some difficulties which cannot be dealt with, let me know your reasonable problems and we shall try to solve them." ~Manufacturer

9. An advertisement for peanut butter.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is those students and housewives who want to eat convenient and easy breakfast. (They only have to spread peanut butter on pieces of toast and will be ready to enjoy it.)

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Is this peanut butter made of trans fat or other unhealthy cholesterol? Why should I choose your brand?" ~Audience

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"Our product is made up of the healthiest ingredients and has passed all stringent examinations by the government health organization. Therefore, people can enjoy without worries. Besides, some special nutrients can only be taken in from this brand of peanut butter, and that is why customers should choose us instead of others." ~Manufacturer

11. A cover letter sent along with your r?sum? to a potential employer.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is an employer who needs a potential talent to earn money for his company.

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Do you have the ability to help the whole company show its outstanding accomplishments? If I hire a bad employee, what should I do?" ~Employer

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"I have some special talents which cannot be replaced by others. Letting my future boss know what I majored in college can elaborate this job and will not let my boss down.

Analyze This Document

Accident Protection Insurance Plan

Ⅰ. Insurance Premium

A. Premium is only pennies a day

B. Individual premium is only $17.85 per quarter

C. Family premium is just $26.85 per quarter

Ⅱ. Insurance Benefits

A. Hospitalization

Benefit is $100 a day in motor vehicle or common carrier accident

B. Accidental death

Benefit is $20,000 in motor vehicle accident

Benefit is $100,000 in common carrier accident

Ⅲ. Accidents Categories

A. Motor vehicle accidents

Accidents while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle

B. Common carrier accidents

Accidents when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier

Ⅳ. Notes

A. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants

B. Convenient payment – billed quarterly

C. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried

D. Free, no-obligation examination period

E. No physical exam or health questions

F. No individual rate increases

Exploring the best of the Web


1. What are some of the reasons Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best on the web?

After browsing so many blogs linked from Forbes.com, I think the blogs Forbes chose in "The Best of the Web" are useful and there are two reasons. First, I think Forbes is very smart by using blogs to enrich its website. I think it is not necessary to write so many articles in it, and all Forbes has to do is just collect useful blogs, introduce them and wait for people to browse these websites. This way, Forbes.com possesses the characteristics of a portal site and can stimulate its website's browser numbers. Hence, Forbes can make people know what it really is without paying any advertisement expense. Second, we all know that network resources contain many good information which can teach people how to deal with each other's conflicts in workplace, but without clear index and introduction, it is difficult for people to know whether the solutions are suitable for their own problems or not. Therefore, Forbes set up these blogs as the best websites and wrote brief introductions to make everyone who browse forbes.com learn easily what the best solutions are to solve their problems. These are the reasons why I think Forbes selected the blogs in its website.

2. What weaknesses does the magazine see in some of these blogs?

The weaknesses the magazine sees in some of the blogs are uncoordinated and misleading contents. Although I did not find these weaknesses, I think the solution is that the web master can make people search for misdirected blogs and click on links to reply to the web master. That way, the web master need not see every blog in person just to check whether blogs are misdirected or not.

3. What can you learn from these blogs that you could apply to your own future as an entrepreneur or business manager?

After browsing these blogs, I think smallbusinessbrief.com is the best blog. So if I become a business manager in the future, I will apply its content to my company. This website lets people share their useful findings on the websites of small businesses. The articles in this blog are interesting, such as "My Secrets of 'Forum Marketing'", and" Performance Management for Business Success". I learned numerous things from these articles. For example, in "How to Be a Workaholic Without Killing Yourself", it introduces that t if you are a workaholic, taking a nap and doing exercise can help you re-energize your workday. In "How to Avoid Hiring a Bad SEO", I learned that people who talks big are dangerous. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, I will make workers find their interesting issues on the internet, post useful information in the blog and share their thoughts. The most important thing is setting up a clear classification and good search engine. That way, people can get their information easily and quickly without wasting too much time on it.

1. In "Analyze This Document", according to some insurance terms dictionaries (listed below), the word "coverage" may mean different kinds of insurance such as personal accident insurance and medical insurance, while the word "premium" means the insurance money applicants pay. Therefore, I changed "coverage" to "premium" but I do not know whether it is right or wrong. Perhaps professor, you can explain to us students, thank you.

2. The following are online insurance resources, and I hope they are useful for everyone

Insurance Words Search: http://www.sunny.org.tw/ins/insrep/word/ins_word/

Request for Insurance Coverage: http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~fohome/ACEStudentRQ.doc

Homework 3

Homework 3 Name: Sofla
I. Audience Profile
8. A promotional message on your company's e-retailing website, announcing a temporary price reduction on high-definition television sets.
(1) Who is my audience?
Those consumers look for a high- definition television set and people may buy a television set owing to the price reduction.
(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?
Pleased or interested
(3) What does my audience need to know?
My audience must be interested in the precise days of the temporary discount and how to buy the television set.
10. A letter to the property management company responsible for maintaining your office building, complaining about persistent problems with the heating and air conditioning.
(1) Who is my audience?
the property management company
(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?
(3) What does my audience need to know?
My audience need to know when the problems starts, the details of the heating and air conditioning problems, and how the problems cause our company incontinence.
11. A request (to the seller) for a price adjustment on a piano that incurred $150 in damage during delivery to a banquet room in the hotel you manage
(1) Who is my audience?
the piano seller
(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?
(3) What does my audience need to know?
1) how the damage happened during the delivery
2) why the piano seller should reasonable for the damage

II. Message Organization: Choosing the Approach
28. direct An e-mail message to a car dealer asking about the availability of a specific make and model of car
29. direct A letter from a recent college graduate requesting a letter of recommendation from a former instructor
30. indirect A letter turning down a job applicant
31. indirect A blog posting explaining that because of high air-condition costs, the plant temperature will he held at 78 degrees during the summer
32. indirect A final request to settle a delinquent debt
III. Analyze This Document
1. Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains jets ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier
(1) Benefit is $ 100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
2. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home,, or nonmotorized bicycle
(1) Benefit is $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident
3. Benefit is $ 100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident
1. Coverage is only pennies a day.
(1) Individual coverage is only $ 17.85 per quarter; family coverage is just $ 26.85 per quarter
2. Convenient payment—billed quarterly
3. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried
1. Quaranteed acceptance for all applicants
(1) Free, no-obligation examination period
2. No physical exam or health questions
(2) No individual rate increases
IV. Exploring the Best of the Web (www. Forbes.com/how)
There are different kind of blogs in the "Blogs" in the departments" heading. They recommend about 10 websites for each group with intriguing introduction. Few has the ability to resist the temptation to take a look especially when the subject they are interested in. Not like the most anonymous Internet users, each introduction of the blogs are signed the name of writer to show that those people are willing to take the responsibilities of what they said.

2007年10月14日 星期日

49482039 Traci: Homework 3

Audience Profile p.70

7. (1) My audience is the appliance dealer.
(2) My audience will take the subject seriously as it
concerns legal procedures and the interest of their business.
(3) My audience needs to know the final deadline and legal
collection procedures.

9. (1) My audience is the potential buyers of general public.
(2) They may not pay much attention unless their interest
is aroused.
(3) They need to know what makes peanut butter appealing
and worthy of the money.

11. (1) My audience is the potential employer.
(2) A employer looks forward to valuable qualities and
personalities presented in the letter.
(3) My audience needs to know my integrity and
personality besides what my CV gives, which includes my work
ethic, my character and my possible contribution.

Analyze This Document p.69

Accident Protection Insurance Plan
I. Guaranteed acceptance of all applicants
A. No physical exam or health questions
B. Free, no-obligation examination period
II. Benefit
A. $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
B. $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle death
C. $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle
or common carrier accident
III. Coverage fees and types
A. Fees
1. Convenient payment-billed quarterly
2. No individual rate increases
3. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter; family
coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
B. Types
1. Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying
passengers on public transportation, including buses,
trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common
2. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents
occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile,
truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle

Exploring the Best of the Web p.71

1. Among all other blogs of similar content, Forbes selected
these particular blogs because they are able to provide
readers reliable up-to-date information and insightful, even
contrarian thinking and marketing skills.
2. Since these are the picks in a million, Forbes mostly
points out organization and layout weaknesses, such as bad
navigation and lack of proper categorization, small pictures
and big type, and inability to generate reader replies…etc.
3. From the weaknesses pointed out by Forbes, it hits us to
know that it is crucial to establish a strong manager-reader
relationship in any sort of communication, blogs for
instance. Focusing on the target group by creating a clear
navigation and business direction will greatly increase the
interaction between both parties.

Homework 3 Sandy

Homework 3 Sandy

Audience Profile

(1)An appliance dealer is my audience.
(2)The appliance dealer should take a serous attitude on reading the letter because it is a final-notice collection one from an appliance manufacturer.
(3)The appliance dealer needs to know some notices ten days before initiating legal collection procedures.

(1)People seeing this advertisement are my audience.
(2)They may want to know the reason that makes them buy this
peanut butter thing.
(3)They need to know the benefits after buying this peanut butter thing.

(1)This potential employer is my audience.
(2)The employer may want to see the reason why he or she sould hire me.
(3)The employer needs to know what skills I have and what I can bring to company.

Analyze Document

Accident Protection Insurance Plan
I. The coverage
A. People
1. Individual: $17.85
2. Family: $26.85 (per quarter)
B. Accidental death
1. Public transportation: bus, train, jet, ship, trolley, subway, or any other common carrier
2. Non public transportation: automobile, truck, camper, motorhome, or nonmotorized bicycle
C. Only pennis a day
II. Benefits
A. Accidental death
1. $100,000 on common carrier
2. $20,000 in motor vehicle
B. $100 a day for hospitalization as result of A.
III. Requirement
A. No physical exam
B. No health questions
C. No individual rate increases
B. Free, no-obligation examination period
IV. Payment
A. Billed or cash
1. Bill: quarterly
2. Cash: before any other insurance carried
B. guaranteed acceptance

Exploring the Best of the Web

1. The reasons why Forbes selected Marketing and Small Business blogs best on the web are not only the concept of blogging promotion but also the satisfaction browser gets. Globalization make people live in a big country. Those who use internet to sell products provide the latest information for customers. Blog is the important role being played between seller and consumer. Both sides exchange opinions directly on the internet. Companies do research, release products, and get feedback efficiently; on the contrary, consumers get information, compare products, and purchase goods as well. These two concepts made the blogs best on the web.

2. The weaknesses the magazine see are mostly feedback and format. Since these blogs are made to connect company and consumer, the feedback should be involved in the discussion. Secondly, some webs do not organize their picture size. Too many links or false links are as well included.

3. I think the first thing I would apply to my future business is consumer-oriented. If a customer can not figure out what I am doing, then there would not be any of my own company. Service and quality are also included. A company without good service and quality would not compete others. Finally, if I have done the previous two points, I would put myself into the latest trend like blogging promotion. These are things I learned from these blogs.

Homework 3 Jessica

Homework 3 49482013黃慧嵐
Audience Profile
7. The appliance dealer is my audience. My audience should consider this letter as the most important one and take it seriously. My audience should know since this is a final-notice collection letter, there won't be any collection letter anymore and they should be well prepared before the legal collection procedures start.
9. People who see this advertisement on television is my audience. My audience should be interested in what I am selling, and should be willing to spend a few minutes on my advertisement. My audience should know that I am the best choice for his peanut butter. When it comes to peanut butter, no one else instead of me.
11. The potential employer is my audience. Like the advertisement above, my audience should be interested in my resume, and be willing to spend some time reading it. My audience should know why I apply for this job and what qualification I have is suitable for this job.
Analyze This Document
1. Cover and Benefit
A. Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.
Benefit is $ 100,000 for accidental death on common carrier
B. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents, occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle.
Benefit is $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident.
C. Covers hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
Benefit is $100 a day.
2. Coverage is only pennies a day.
A. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter
B. Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
3. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants
A. No physical exam or health questions.
B. Free, no-obligation examination period.
4. Payment
A. Convenient payment—billed quarterly.
B. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
5. No individual rate increases
Learn from the Best in the Business
1. Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best for following reasons. First, these blogs update their contents frequently. Second, they cover a wide range of information. Third, these blogs give constructive opinions. Forth, they have great writing and tightly edited. Fifth, they pinpoint the latest trends. Sixth, they have good interaction with their readers. Finally, they offer many useful links.
2. Forbes says that some of these blogs do not offer up to date news. They only focus on small business and do not have much feedback from readers. Articles and studies are not categorized. Do not offer constructive opinion. They do not edit the blog well, and some of their links do not work.
3. I think to be a good business manager is just like maintaining a good blog. To be a good entrepreneur, I have to absorb all kinds of knowledge to expend my horizon, so that I can always follow the business trends. I have to possess the ability of critical thinking, so that I will not be cheated. I have to listen to other people's opinion, so that I can see things in different views.

Homework3 calvin

1. Audience Profile (P.68)

a. A final-notice collection letter from an appliance manufacturer to an appliance dealer, sent ten days before initiating legal collection procedures

Audience: Secretary, appliance dealer, accounting department, lawyers

Their attitude: Either of surprise, dread, and/or hostile

What do they need to know: Date of previous collection letters, period of outstanding, manufacturer's reluctance to take legal procedure and details of all invoices to be collected such as invoice number, date, items, quantity, amount, etc.

b. An advertisement for peanut butter

Audience: Grocery shoppers and all who loves peanut butter

Their attitude: Generally, advertisements aren't really loved. (Hence ads are injected with creative juices to attract attention and avoid abhorrence)

What do they need to know: What's so special about the product and over other brands

c. A cover letter sent along with your r?sum? to a potential employer

Audience: Secretary, employer

Their attitude: Expectations for applicants

What do they need to know: Besides general personnel details, they'd like to know how the applicant outshines other applicants, and if he/she is made for the job.

2. Analyze This Document (P.70)

Dear Prof. Tsao,

I feel that the information provided in the book will suffice for writing a popup ad, but is insufficient for writing a proper insurance information brochure. Hence, I have grouped, omitted and added things which I felt would provide clearer information to potential customers. Ideas which are unclear to me have been footnoted.

Yours sincerely,


Accident Protection Insurance Plan

1. (General introduction stating why one needs to buy such a policy, such as it does provide financial support in the event of a mishap in transportation and that accidents can strike anytime, anywhere etc.)

2. Coverage & Benefit:

a. Covers accidental death when riding as a fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier with benefit of $100,000

b. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle with benefit of $20,000

3. Other Benefits:

a. General benefit of $100 a day for hospitalization as a result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.

b. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried1

3. Pennies-a-day premium rates:

a. Individual premium of only $17.85 per quarter

b. Family premium of just $26.85 per quarter2

4. More good news:

a. Free application3

b. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants

c. No physical exam or health questions

d. No obligation examination period

e. Convenient payment – billed quarterly

5. Exclusions


1. Is there more than just cash benefits?

2. Is there no limitation to the number of members in a family?

3. I've split the 'free, no-obligation examination period' as I was unable to find any insurance plan on the internet with such wordings.)

3. Exploring the Best of the web

1. What are some of the reasons Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best on the web?

The reasons can be numerous, from providing the latest trends and innovations, industry gossips, inspiring articles, excellent prices, breathtaking collections, etc. etc. because Forbes has taken enormous effort to find the best websites in numerous categories. To sum, Forbes selected them because they are informative. Period.

2. What weaknesses does the magazine see in some of these blogs?

Some of the blogs' weaknesses cited by Forbes are worth learning such as small font size, over self-promoting, misdirected links, lack of categorization, inability to generate comments etc. These weaknesses can serve as a good checklist when maintaining our own blogs.

3. What can you learn from these blogs that you could apply to your own future as an entrepreneur or business manager?

Although many of the blogs present excellent tips and advices for running a business, but the single most crucial lesson I derived from these blogs' comments is, prioritize interaction of a company with its potential customers. By providing a platform for interaction, a company can receive first-hand feedback and advices instrumental to a company's overall functioning. By heeding to customers' expectations, advice and complaints, a company can respond quickly and maintain its status in the hearts of consumers, thus ensuring a going company.

Homework 3 from Sandra

Homework 3 49482012 Sandra
Audience Profile
8. (1.) My company's customers are the audience. (2.) The customers may be happy when they see the message of promotion, and they may consider purchasing one high-definition television. (3.) The customer need to know that this a temporary price reduction, so it won't last for a long time. Besides, the customers may want to know the details about the television.
10. (1.) The property management company is the audience. (2.) The property management company may think that it's not very important problems. They may not response my letter immediately. (3.) The property management company needs to know that every customer's comments are important, so the company has to solve these problems as soon as possible. In addition, the company needs to know more details about the persistent problems, so that the company can find out the real problems and solve them.
12. (1.) The seller is the audience. (2.) The seller may think that it was not his fault, because there was no evident to show that the piano was damage in the way of delivery. (3.) The seller needs to know that he is responsible for the damage since he sales the piano and he has the responsibility to serve his customers. The seller has to find out why the piano damages.
Analyze this Document (Outline)
I. The Coverage and Payment of Accident Protection Insurance
A. This insurance covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.
B. This insurance covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle.
C. The coverage only pennies a day.
1. The individual coverage $17.85 per quarter.
a. The individual rate will not increase.
2. The family coverage is $26.85 per quarter.
D. The way of payment is convenient, and the payment is billed quarterly.
1. The payment is paid by cash in addition to any other insurance carried.
II. The Benefit of Accident Protection Insurance
A. The benefit of this insurance is $100 a day for hospitalization as results of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
B. The benefit of this insurance is $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier.
C. The benefit of this insurance is $20,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident.
III. The Requirement of Accident Protection Insurance
A. There will not be physical exam nor health questions.
B. There will not be free, no-obligation examination period.
The Best in the Business
1. I think there are several reasons that Forbes introduced these particular blogs. The first one is the content of the blogs. The bloggers run their blogs by updating the latest information almost every day, and they know what's new in the particular field. The bloggers can offer the information that readers have interest in. The second reason is that the bloggers provide related pictures, links, or even video to help readers get into the topics of the articles. The last one is that the bloggers offers a space for readers to comment or to exchange their ideas.
2. There are still some weaknesses in some of these blogs. I consider that the biggest one is that some blogs urge readers to pay for further information or promote their products through the contents in blogs. Besides, some links that the blogs provide are easy to search by readers themselves. Readers just have to key in the keywords into the searching engine and the same links will show up. I think these bloggers should give readers some special and useful website addresses, so that readers are willing to browse their blogs everyday.
3. By browsing through these blogs, I learn that one should update the content as much as possible. Knowing what the readers want to read is the most important thing. In addition, one should receive readers' criticisms, suggestions, and ideas. I think the key point of running a successful blog is sharing the useful and positive information with readers and the interaction of exchanging everyone's points of view.