2007年10月15日 星期一

Homework3 Otto

Audience Profile

7. A final-notice collection letter from an appliance manufacturer to an appliance dealer, sent ten days before initiating legal collection procedures.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is an appliance dealer who is stalling payment, but I do not know whether it is on purpose or not.

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Do I have enough money to pay in these ten days? If I cannot pay in time, will the manufacturer really sue me?" ~Audience

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"If you cannot pay money in time, I will absolutely initiate collection procedures. Unless there are some difficulties which cannot be dealt with, let me know your reasonable problems and we shall try to solve them." ~Manufacturer

9. An advertisement for peanut butter.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is those students and housewives who want to eat convenient and easy breakfast. (They only have to spread peanut butter on pieces of toast and will be ready to enjoy it.)

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Is this peanut butter made of trans fat or other unhealthy cholesterol? Why should I choose your brand?" ~Audience

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"Our product is made up of the healthiest ingredients and has passed all stringent examinations by the government health organization. Therefore, people can enjoy without worries. Besides, some special nutrients can only be taken in from this brand of peanut butter, and that is why customers should choose us instead of others." ~Manufacturer

11. A cover letter sent along with your r?sum? to a potential employer.

(1) Who is my audience?

My audience is an employer who needs a potential talent to earn money for his company.

(2) What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject?

"Do you have the ability to help the whole company show its outstanding accomplishments? If I hire a bad employee, what should I do?" ~Employer

(3) What does my audience need to know?

"I have some special talents which cannot be replaced by others. Letting my future boss know what I majored in college can elaborate this job and will not let my boss down.

Analyze This Document

Accident Protection Insurance Plan

Ⅰ. Insurance Premium

A. Premium is only pennies a day

B. Individual premium is only $17.85 per quarter

C. Family premium is just $26.85 per quarter

Ⅱ. Insurance Benefits

A. Hospitalization

Benefit is $100 a day in motor vehicle or common carrier accident

B. Accidental death

Benefit is $20,000 in motor vehicle accident

Benefit is $100,000 in common carrier accident

Ⅲ. Accidents Categories

A. Motor vehicle accidents

Accidents while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle

B. Common carrier accidents

Accidents when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier

Ⅳ. Notes

A. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants

B. Convenient payment – billed quarterly

C. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried

D. Free, no-obligation examination period

E. No physical exam or health questions

F. No individual rate increases

Exploring the best of the Web


1. What are some of the reasons Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best on the web?

After browsing so many blogs linked from Forbes.com, I think the blogs Forbes chose in "The Best of the Web" are useful and there are two reasons. First, I think Forbes is very smart by using blogs to enrich its website. I think it is not necessary to write so many articles in it, and all Forbes has to do is just collect useful blogs, introduce them and wait for people to browse these websites. This way, Forbes.com possesses the characteristics of a portal site and can stimulate its website's browser numbers. Hence, Forbes can make people know what it really is without paying any advertisement expense. Second, we all know that network resources contain many good information which can teach people how to deal with each other's conflicts in workplace, but without clear index and introduction, it is difficult for people to know whether the solutions are suitable for their own problems or not. Therefore, Forbes set up these blogs as the best websites and wrote brief introductions to make everyone who browse forbes.com learn easily what the best solutions are to solve their problems. These are the reasons why I think Forbes selected the blogs in its website.

2. What weaknesses does the magazine see in some of these blogs?

The weaknesses the magazine sees in some of the blogs are uncoordinated and misleading contents. Although I did not find these weaknesses, I think the solution is that the web master can make people search for misdirected blogs and click on links to reply to the web master. That way, the web master need not see every blog in person just to check whether blogs are misdirected or not.

3. What can you learn from these blogs that you could apply to your own future as an entrepreneur or business manager?

After browsing these blogs, I think smallbusinessbrief.com is the best blog. So if I become a business manager in the future, I will apply its content to my company. This website lets people share their useful findings on the websites of small businesses. The articles in this blog are interesting, such as "My Secrets of 'Forum Marketing'", and" Performance Management for Business Success". I learned numerous things from these articles. For example, in "How to Be a Workaholic Without Killing Yourself", it introduces that t if you are a workaholic, taking a nap and doing exercise can help you re-energize your workday. In "How to Avoid Hiring a Bad SEO", I learned that people who talks big are dangerous. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, I will make workers find their interesting issues on the internet, post useful information in the blog and share their thoughts. The most important thing is setting up a clear classification and good search engine. That way, people can get their information easily and quickly without wasting too much time on it.

1. In "Analyze This Document", according to some insurance terms dictionaries (listed below), the word "coverage" may mean different kinds of insurance such as personal accident insurance and medical insurance, while the word "premium" means the insurance money applicants pay. Therefore, I changed "coverage" to "premium" but I do not know whether it is right or wrong. Perhaps professor, you can explain to us students, thank you.

2. The following are online insurance resources, and I hope they are useful for everyone

Insurance Words Search: http://www.sunny.org.tw/ins/insrep/word/ins_word/

Request for Insurance Coverage: http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~fohome/ACEStudentRQ.doc

1 則留言:

anne 提到...

Thank you for providing us the useful websites about insurance. It might help a lot if I encounter words about insurance when interpreting.