2007年10月15日 星期一

Homework3 Hayden

Homework3 Hayden
Audience Profile
7. (1)The audience is an appliance dealer.
(2) He should take the letter seriously because it is a final warning.
(3) He should return the money to the appliance manufacturer before the manufacturer initiates legal collection procedures.

9. (1) The audience is potential customers.
(2) They may not concentrate their attention on the advertisement.
(3) They need to know the brand of peanut butter and its difference from other brands.

11. (1) The audience is a potential employer.
(2) He may be curious about me and wants to find something interesting in my resume.
(3) He needs to know my working experience and if I have excellent capabilities to make his company even better.

Analyze This Document
Accident Protection Insurance Plan
Ⅰ. Coverage and Benefit
A. Covers accidental death when riding as a fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier with benefit of $100,000
B. Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle with benefit of $20,000
C. Benefit is $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
Ⅱ. Payment
A. Coverage is only pennies a day.
B. Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter.
C. Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter.
D. Convenient payment─ billed quarterly.
E. Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
Ⅲ. Specialty
A. Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants.
B. No physical exam or health questions.
C. No individual rate increases.
D. Free, no obligation examination period.

Exploring the Best of the Web p.71
1. What are some of the reasons Forbes selected these particular blogs as being among the best on the web?
Forbes selected these particular blogs because they provide the latest
information and some inspiring articles. These blogs can help readers think
deeply and improve their marketing skills. These blogs also provide a channel
for costumers to solve their problems.

2. What weaknesses does the magazine see in some of these blogs?
Some blogs have complicated and misdirected links. Their information sometimes are not relayed to their topics and in miniscule type at times. Posts of some blogs don't generate many reader replies. Moreover, aggressively self-promoting on the blogs is inappropriate.

3. What can you learn from these blogs that you could apply to your own future as an entrepreneur or business manager?
I learn providing a platform for interaction benefits both parties because a company can receive first-hand feedback and respond immediately; simultaneously, costumers can tell their problems and receive better solutions. Possessing good communication ways can build a good company image.
After all, we should know what the costumers need and give them the best.
