2007年10月21日 星期日

Homework 4 Brian

Homework 4

Specific Purpose
1. I need to make the manager understand the situation
and ask for the solution to dispose of them as soon as
possible. Otherwise, we won't have enough space for
the new comings. I will make some suggestions for the
manager to think about like holding a big sale that
sells the outdated items with a very low price or
sells them as attachments with other commodities. In
one way, we can earn a little profit form it or a
least we won't lose too much money; in the other way,
it is a good opportunity to promote our company.
3. The purpose is to get the payment after the
customer reads the letter. The tone must be soft
because it might not be the customer's fault. First
we need to explain why we send this letter to her/him.
Then we ask few questions like did s/he pay the bill
already or did s/he get the bills before, etc. to make
sure that the procedure went right. Then we ask for
the unpaid payment.
5. My purpose to understand the reasons for the late
shipment and to check how my supplier is going to deal
with it. I will tell my supplier why I made this
phone call. If there are some inevitable things came
up like accidents. We can work together to figure out
a good way to solve the problem. After all, we may
have the chances to work together in the future.

Exploring the Web in Your Own
I have to say that this website is really useful to
all of us. It not only tells us the tips but also
give us some exercises to practice. We can see some
reader's responses for the tip topics. I found three
ideas of positive expressions in the website. First
one is 'Put more action into your sentences by using
active voice rather than passive voice verbs.' Juts
like what professor told us in the class. We do
sometimes use passive voice for we use it a lot in our
mother tongue. It takes time for us to be aware of it
when every time we write so that's why we need to do
the proofreading. To make the sentences easier to
read because the website says that 'Passive voice
verbs are generally longer in length and don't get to
the point as quickly.' For example, "The decision
was made by the boss that …." We could rewrite it
into "The boss decides to …." The latter is more
clearly. Second one is "Be assertive in your
writing." It you are writing a business proposal,
you must be very positive and forthright to what you
are to propose. Try to avoid some word such "I
think" or "in my understanding," or being not
straightforward. The readers may become distrust.
Last one is "Accentuate the positive." This one is
important. Using the positive words instead of
negative words will be easier to convince the readers.
For example, "The ship will arrive tomorrow"
instead of "The ship won't arrive until tomorrow."
It is more optimistic. We should show the bright side
to our readers to make them think positively.
