2007年10月22日 星期一

Homework4 Hayden

Specific Purpose
1. I want to inform you about outdated items in the warehouse. I will hold a closeout to dispose of all remaining stock and I can have adequate space for new items. Most of all, our company can reduce losses. I also need to discuss how to avoid such situation in the future with you.

3. I want to notify you accumulate three-months payment. Can you
check out your bills or receipt? Maybe it is my mistake. If you have any problems, please tell me as soon as possible. I hope this incident will not influence our relationship.

5. I want to understand why my shipment does not arrive on time. I will let the shipping company know those goods are important and I hire the company because I trust its professionalism. The company should be responsible for me.

Exploring the Web on Your Own
After browsing this website, I think it is really helpful. I find three explanation of " you " view in the website. Firstly, you should choose clear, familiar words. Using simple and short words can let your readers easily understand what you talk about. For example, you should replace "I reiterate what he said." with " I repeat what he said." Secondly, when writing copy, always focus on the reader. For example, don't write "Our cooking class will cover three important tools for roasting chickens." Instead, focus on your readers with "In this cooking class, you will gain three important techniques that will help you to successfully roast chickens." Lastly, Your choice and arrangement of words are ways to emphasize your ideas. By using such words and phrases as "especially, particularly, most importantly, and above all" can tell readers that what follows is important. Punctuation marks also add emphasis to your writing. For example, "The employees were surprised by the decision: no change in company policy." is better than "The employees were surprised by the decision, which was not to change the company policy."
