2007年10月2日 星期二

Homework 1 Brian

Homework 1 49482031 Brian Lin

1. Because of your excellent communication skills, your boss always asks you to write his reports for him. But when the CEO compliments him on his logical organization and clear writing style, your boss responds as if he'd written all those reports himself. What kind of ethical choices does this epresent? What can you do in this situation? Briefly explain your solution and your reasoning.

I think it represents an ethical lapse for the boss got the compliments which did not belong to him. After all, it was me who wrote the reports for him. He should have at least said that the reports were done by his employees and him; then it would be acceptable. I will not react against my boss to his face. I will observe him more in the future. If he is not a reasonable person and he keeps doing things like this, I think I will tolerate it and pretend it
does not happen at all, and keep working for him because it is not easy to find another new job, or I might quit. But if I find out that he is a reasonable erson, I will tell him what I think, and if he cannot accept it, I will transfer to the other departments. I think it is a dilemma for everyone because there are a lot of complicated elements might be involved in our decision-making process.

2. Thoughts on Project Implicit

Honestly, I had no idea about this website at first. After doing few tests and little discussion
with classmates, I think I have some idea about it. It can help us to find out our unconscious thoughts. I did the sexuality, race, age, weight, and skin tone tests. I show little to no preference to the former four, and moderately preference to the last one. It sends words to associate with images to find out our unconscious preference. For example, the instruction says that when I see white people, I should press "e", and so do good words. Black people and bad words, press "i." So I will associate people to good words, and black people to bad words. Then the instruction changes to white people to bad words and black people to good words. The reason why it changes the word association is to find out which one is easier for us to associate. After we finished the test, the website will tell us our degree of preference to which skin tone. Also, it will show us the graph to explain which two are easier for us to associate to. In this example, it is easier to associate Dark Skin with Bad and Light Skin with Good compared to the reverse. Maybe consciously we think we have no preference to either skin tone, but unconsciously we do have a preference. Somehow we do not admit it, and that is why before the test, it warns that we might see unpleasant results. I think this website is interesting because I can know myself
better and to think more on the issues.
