2007年10月3日 星期三

Homework 1 from Sofla

Dear Mrs. Tsao:

I am really sorry that I send my assignment late. When I noticed that my assignment did not appear on the blog tonight, I was in a mess. Hope you forgive my delay.

Homework 1 Name: Sofla
1. The Reflection of Project Implicit
The project implicit does reflect my opinion of view more or less. I first tried the sexuality IAT project in the demonstration part and got my result of preference for gay people. Assumed that I am slight for straight people, I was little shocked. The resulting was not very convincing to me. It indicated that I am more comfortable (or quick) to assort bad and straight than bad and gay. I think the result came form the familiarity of the research operating. I did the bad going with straight categories later. When I did the sexuality IAT in the research part, which was assign accidentally, I got different result. It showed I had no bias on sexuality. Thought I did the same test, I got different results. It is confusing.
There are various researches doing on the website, including sexuality, weapon, age, religion, weight and so on. Some researches are quite strange but interesting. They have American presidents IAT test to test the popularity of each president. Another research is designed to test the ability of recognizing Arab-Muslim names. However, I could not help to felt the Europe's ethnocentrism in the website. The results showed that people prefer light skin, and white people. The reality of the results is not doubtful. But what kind of person will participate in the project? I think maybe the white people account for the majority.
2. Question: Ethical Choices
In my opinion, here represents the ethical dilemma, which means I face two ethical and valid alternatives. In one way, I would be silent toward this situation, though I might feel frustrated. It is my responsibility to do the job my supervisor giving me. Although I always write the reports for him, it does not mean that I do everything of reports. The original idea might come form my boss. Of course, he should not respond as if he'd written all those reports himself. But what can I do? It may be unethical to report to his authorities. Furthermore, there are no clear-cut of my boss's response in this situation. He might simply "forget" to mention who wrote the reports. Taking those into account, I would remain silent.
In one way, I should take actions to defend my personal right. For example, I should question my boss what he responds as he'd written the reports on his own, or I could inform the supervisor of my boss that I am also attributes to the reports. No matter what efforts my boss has already attributes to his reports; I have also attributes to the reports. He should not overlook the facts.
In real world, something like this may happen frequently. It seems that I should not remain silence, in which my personal right offended. However, if I express my upset too openly, others may consider I am arrogant.

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