2007年10月2日 星期二

HW1 Anne


1. Implicit
It is an interesting website. In the beginning, I
thought it might be a boring website since I had to
browse through this website in order to finish my
homework. It is just a website studying
conscious-unconscious divergences. What is so special
about it? I am not willing to have a browse through
the website. Things turned out to be totally different
when I started to do the tests. I chose some of them
to test myself, Arab-Muslim, weight, and Age IAT. I
agreed with the outcome of Arab-Muslim and weight IAT.
The former showed I had a slight automatic preference
for Other People compared to Arab Muslims and the
latter indicated that I had a modest automatic
preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.
However, I was surprised when I saw the result of Age
IAT. which said that I had a strong automatic
preference for Young compared to Old. Why? I guessed I
had a modest preference. I was a little confused with
the outcome. What were the standards of the test? How
did I know exactly that I was a person who preferred
young people only by doing the test? I presume it is
because I am close to young age that I prefer young
people. Then, does it mean when I grow older, I will
prefer old people? Or it depends. It is really
interesting but a little confusing to have the test.

2. Ethical
I consider it is an ethical lapse. If I am the
employee, when I hear the CEO compliments my boss, I
will not tell the CEO that it is I who write the
report. Neither will I argue with my boss on the
instant. Clearly I know it is no use that I tell the
CEO the truth. My boss might claim that I am a liar.
Or, even though my boss might confess that I write the
report, he might try every means to downgrade me as
soon as possible. It is very normal that my boss will
be afraid that I might threaten his status. I think
the best solution is to prepare two reports, one
report with normal organization which is given to the
boss and the other one with excellent organization and
ideas. When the meeting is over, give the CEO the
excellent report and tell him politely if he could
spare some time to look through it. If he refuses the
first time, do not be depressed. Keep on trying to let
him know that you really want to improve. The CEO
might be touched and give you a try.
