2007年10月10日 星期三

homework 2 49482055 蕭淑蓉

1. Ethical Choices
If I were the team leader, I would "meet" with Tanya Moore to tell her why I decided not to let her lead next week's meeting because it is the most effective way not to let her misunderstand my "original" meaning . By meeting with her in person, I can make sure if she really understand what her real problems are and incidentally know what she wants to explain to me. Therefore, I would tell her in person.
2. Telephones and Voice Mail
Hello, Mr. Tsao. This is Valentina Hsiao. I am sorry for my disturbing you, but I have a request about the moving of the office. I'm wondering that if I can move my office after Monday because I have an important client meeting scheduled in my office for Monday afternoon in order to make sure some contract details. Besides, I cannot access to my office at this moment, would you please postpone it or tell them not to move my office? My phone number is 0-9-7-2-3-3-3-8-2-9. You can call my in any minute when you are available. Thank you so much.
3. CRInfo
This website is a quite good website for us to learn from because it tells us practical ways to solve conflicts or what we can do when we are in a relationship of conflict instead of telling us many theories according to "somebody's" research. For instance, to negotiate instead of arguing and if this doesn't work, take a break, and then try again, or try to get someone else to try to help you figure out a solution.

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