2007年10月13日 星期六

Homework3 from 49482055 Valentina

Audience Profile
Q. A final-notice collection letter from an appliance manufacturer to an appliance dealer, sent ten days before initiating legal collection procedures.
A. (1) My audience here is the appliance dealer.
(2) They will be aware of my subject because it is about their business as well.
(3) They need to know what will be the day of collection and how they need to cooperate
with us .
Q. An advertisement for peanut butter.
A. (1) My audience here is the people who watch TV
(2) They may not really pay attention to what the subject is about.
(3) They need to know how tasty or how healthful the peanut butter is.
Q. A cover letter sent along with your resume to a potential employer.
A. (1) My audience here is the potential employer.
(2) He will probably look at my resume seriously.
(3) He need to know how well I can handle this job and how much competence or experience I have about these kinds of jobs.
Analyze This Document
I. Coverage is only pennies a day
Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter
n Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter
II. The most beneficial way for you
n Benefit is $100 a day for hospitalization as result of motor vehicle or common carrier accident.
n Benefit is $100,000 for accidental death on common carrier.
(Covers accidental death when riding as fare-paying passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets, ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carrier.)
n Benefit is $200,000 for accidental death in motor vehicle accident.
(Covers accidental death in motor vehicle occurring while driving or riding in or on automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or nonmotorized bicycle)
III. Three "nos"
n No physical exam or health questions.
n No individual rate increases.
n No obligation examination period.
IV. Others
n Convenient payment--billed quarterly.
n Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried.
Learn the Best in the Business
1. The reasons that Forbes selected these blogs are probably that the blogs know what the market trend is. That is to say, they know consumers' psychology or appetite. For instance, "should you offer a free trial" or "charge less for smaller portions" these articles are quite practical.
2. The weakness the magazine sees in some of the blogs is that some of them don't build on their strengths and surmount or work around their weaknesses, and possibly should cut their cloth to meet their main limitations. For example, there is little point in searching for capital-intensive or knowledge-based ideas if they have slim/no prospects of raising the necessary capital or if their educational background is unsuitable.
3. After reviewing the blog, I know that I can learn much knowledge I need when I become an entrepreneur on the Internet. Before doing this exercise, I only "knew" I can learn marketing or business strategies through taking courses or studying textbooks. But I know there is still one way I can learn from when I need the information about business.
