2007年10月7日 星期日

Homework2 calvin

Dear Prof. Tsao,

This is Calvin. I'd like to inform you that I've switched to using another email address, anonymous.gene@gmail.com, since my previous hotmail address fails to paste the email to the blog in a reader-friendly manner. Please henceforth, mail me to this email address. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Following are the assignments that were assigned for the week. I hope you enjoy reading them. Thank You.

Yours faithfully,

Homework2 calvin

1. Ethical Choices (P.43)

I'd most probably send an e-mail, as a face-to-face conversation has the potential for both parties to lose their temper should it turn into a heated dispute. I would avoid using the voice mail since it is, in my opinion, best used for emergencies. An email would allow both parties to reflect on the message and not make rash reactions.

I'd probably say in the mail that I appreciate her eagerness to be more active in our team, but that she being a new comer, I'd advise her to take a back seat for some more time and get to know more about the team, how it functions, what's each one's work, and also the company's work culture, goal, and objectives. I'd also be honest with her that even I am not sure if she's ready for such a task since at times her eagerness comes on too strong for others and people have been uncomfortable with it and perhaps, might have even felt threatened by her. Hence, as a team leader, I'd prefer her not to lead the meeting so early on, but instead encourage her to take more time to learn the ropes and get to know everyone better, and foster a good work relationship with everyone.

2. Voice Mail (P. 44)

(Assuming we're on close terms)

Hello David, this is Calvin. Sorry to disturb you during the weekend, but I just learned you've decided to move me to another office Monday morning. I wish you'd have let me known earlier because I have a meeting that afternoon, with our client Mr. Mayer of Croztec and I still need to finalize some contract details in the morning. So, do you think you can still postpone moving me into another office for another day? I'd appreciate it very much. Call me back if you have any problems. See you on Monday. Bye.

3. Thoughts on www.crinfo.org (P.45)

Seeing that our first assignment this weekend deals with issues relating to conflicts and that no one has written anything on this website, I decided to check it out. I must say, it's one of the worst 'user-unfriendly' and least appealing website I've ever seen. To begin with, the home page looked so much like an ad popup, that I almost immediately closed the page when I looked again to discover that it's the home page! The whole website is so jammed with hyperlinks that it completely turned me off. Nevertheless, I managed to muster some effort to click on some of the links. The result? Few wordings and more links! In the end, it just struck me as a web of links that ends up nowhere and if it does end somewhere, it's probably some dark alley with as much information as graffito. Before I closed the page in disgust, I decided to give it one more try; the usually easy-to-read glossary section. Sadly, I could only sigh as I stared at a long page of glossaries void line spacing, bold faced words and color.
